On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, Uwe Kern wrote:
Staszek Wawrykiewicz
schrieb am 10.09.03 20:40:48: I've failed to run pdflatex xcolor1.tex
Illegal unit of mesure (pt inserted). l. 207 {\DisplayColor{\nR}{\nG}{\nB}}}}
Since `pdflatex xcolor1.tex' runs well on my system, I assume that your problem could be a version or configuration issue. Therefore, I need some more information to track the possible source of the misbehaviour. .... pdftex.def 2002/06/19 v0.03k graphics/color for pdftex
I found it! We are using now for TeXLive pdftex.def 2003/06/20 v0.10a-BETA graphics/color for pdftex When renaming pdftex003.def to pdftex.def compilation goes well. pdftex.def has so many authors so I Cc to the pdftex list. ;-) -- Staszek Wawrykiewicz StaW@gust.org.pl