Hartmut Henkel wrote:
Against this might also be that it seems that the only reason why pdftex currently can't write the PDF to stdout is that it has to seek and write the /Length. Are there other places where it backs up? So if we could get rid of this only (?) seek (without writing a separate /Length object) e. g. by buffering the streams in the memory (which should be harmless, given the current memory sizes), we would gain the stdout
eh ... only as option; 500 meg files are no exception here (sometimes even more than a gig; mostly due to huge graphics) Hans
Yes. As a tiny start, maybe we should remove all redundant spaces like in "/Type /Page" (a tip from this Fat PDF paper).
hm, do we really need to end up with the same ugly pdf as other progs produce? i kind of like the current clean (kind of readable) pdf that pdftex provides removing duplicates, ok, but decreasing readablility of the pdf file ... (ok, i know that not many people look into the source, but ...) Hans