Hi Thanh,

On Jun 13, 2017, at 5:29 PM, The Thanh Han <hanthethanh@gmail.com> wrote:

Thanh, can you confirm that we should go ahead with this plan?

​I think it's reasonable to have this behavior possible.

However, Iet's say we have

\textsc{This is a heading}

What is the common expectation when one does copy/paste this text from a pdf viewer? 
I personally expect to get the same text, not the unicode points for the *.sc glyphs from the actual font.

But then the author is stating that it is a heading, but not using proper markup that
might be used to include tagging that could convey this.

So from the point-of-view of a someone using Assistive Technology, how else 
are they supposed to get the hint that this should be treated like a heading?
- - - especially in cases where the words themselves do *not* explicitly say so.

This brings up another question: perhaps we can add the behavior proposed by Ross, but it has to be enabled explicitly via a primitive?

That’s perfectly fine by me.




Dr Ross Moore

Mathematics Dept | 12 Wallys Walk, 734
Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia

T: +61 2 9850 8955  |  F: +61 2 9850 8114
M:+61 407 288 255  |  E: ross.moore@mq.edu.au


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