On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 10:48:35PM +0000, Taylor, P wrote:
Karl Berry wrote:
Pavel - if your setup can run pdftex ..., I surmise it can run env max_print_line=9999 pdftex ... That should be portable to everything except Windows; I have no good solution for Windows, sorry.
Well, if desperately needed in Windows one could switch to MikTeX, which claims to have commandline --max-print-line=n option already, apparently this parameter is not considered equal in the set of million other possibilities just by me...
Does not "set max_print_line=9999" have the same effect for the Windows CMD command-line interpreter ? I assume that "env" is Unix's typically cryptic way of setting environment variables.
Yes, but I was suggesting universal solution which would be usable for very different hosting platforms. To name examples I know people who build packages from our sources for platforms like Haiku or OS/2 and who knows for what else. I knew about env variable and .cnf solution and both of them are not well suited. Anyway, thanks for your responses, at least I know there is no hope :) Pavel