Is there a Win-32 executable of PdfeTeX with this patch available ? I would be interested in experimenting to see if Heiko's desideratum can be accomplished within the existing set of primitives. ** Phil. -------- Heiko Oberdiek wrote:
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 12:46:03PM +0200, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
I was testing \pdfprimitive itself for expandability, instead of its argument. There is a very small patch possible, but I had better do some more tests before submitting it. Patch attached.
As nearest way to restore a primitive that is redefined somewhere I found:
\def\show{...}% some package
\let\show\relax % prevents expansion if \show is expanded \def\show{\pdfprimitive\show}
However \show remains a macro. Thus some kind of \pdfprimitivelet would be nice and complete the interface.
Yours sincerely Heiko