At 11:22 12/05/2004, The Thanh Han wrote:
At the moment the first one with matching extent and slant is returned.
i'd like the last one to be returned, since later definitions may override previous ones; (\pdfmapfile, \pdfmapline provide more control, and there's also the +-= prefixing that hartmut implemented; i hope that this will not get lost)
I wonder whether we can narrow this criteria to something more strict. For example, we can choose which tfm should be used regard to the following checks (in descending priority):
* the tfm has been used (some char from this font has been typeset) * the tfm has been loaded (but not used yet) * the tfm can be loaded (but not loaded yet) * the tfm is present in map files, but cannot be loaded. In this case a dummy tfm can be loaded instead, and warning should be written
what is the purpose of that dummy tfm file? Hans