On Fri, 20 May 2005, Nagy Bence wrote:
I have a new tipometer now, and I wondered, that by Rotring Didot-point is no more 0,376 but 0,375 mm. Actually the new Didot-size is more komfortable, because one Cicero is exactly equal to 4,5 mm, two Cicero to 9 mm.
I have attached a small patch, which introduces two new units: nd (new didot) and nc (new cicero). Maybe we have to follow the sounds of new times. Any comments?
Interesting! Found a reference to this also in Forssmann's "Lesetypographie" on p. 81 (new Didot point has been standardized in 1978). It seems that the quotient 1238/1160 can still be improved, see the q&d awk program: BEGIN{ for (i=1;i<5000;i++){ j=i*25.4/72.27/0.375 jj = int(j+0.5); x = jj - j; n = i*25.4/72.27/jj printf("%4d %4d %14.8f %14.8f\n", i,jj,n,x) if(x<0) x*=-1 if (x<0.0001) print "=====================" } } which tells 685/642 --> 0.37499995mm Regards, Hartmut