Hi, there were some problems to make margin kerning work with unhbox/unhcopy. After some discussions with Harmut we have come to a solution: we shall drop margin kerns while unboxing. People who wish to use margin kerning with unhboxing are out of luck. Sorry, but we think it is too much work and too risky to make it work. We also introduced a workaround: now we have 2 new primitives \leftmarginkern and \righmarginkern, which allows access to margin kerns of a hbox. Usage (tested): ,-------- | \newbox\testline | | ... | | \dimen0=\leftmarginkern \testline pt | \dimen1=\rightmarginkern \testline pt | \line{\kern\dimen0\unhcopy\testline\kern\dimen1} `-------- this feature will be available in the next bug-fix release (should come out soon). Thanh