27 Jun
27 Jun
1:10 p.m.
2007/6/27, David Kastrup
"Martin Schröder"
writes: \savebox
It is the mechanism LaTeX _offers_ to users (it will commonly get used in connection with fancyhdr.sty, for example). And it uses a similar mechanism itself in \AtBeginDVI.
Saying that it shouldn't is a bit late in the game.
This is the first user complaining in years (it has always been broken). I don't forsee many people complaining if we disable it. How many people do you know that do \includegraphics in the ini? Disabling \pdfximage is easy, enabling it is probably much harder (Taco is investigating that), and only very few users need it (the ones raising the bug don't really unless pdfTeX dumps the complete image in the format; meta-infos won't be enough). Best Martin