2. \ifabsnum, \ifabsdim; eTeX manual or pdfTeX manual? The pdfTeX manual is the right (only) place.
Done. I doubted since in the patch note you say its etex change AND it seems to be enabled iff etex is enabled. No other pdftex primitives described in the manual behave like that.
3. \primitive, \ifprimitive; to be documented or to be replaced with namespaces? My idea is: flag as experimental, \primitive may change its behaviour still (depending the outcome of the discussion on sarovar).
I do not really expect a namespace solution coming soon. That is to say: i certainly do not have the time to write a functional specification for such an extension. If someone else feels up to that, than I will happily (attempt to) write an implementation, but it would still be too late for 1.40.
Got that. Left undocumented, as snapping and kerning yet. Other things; \pdfobjcompresslevel, \pdflastlink, \pdfsavepos (DVI), \ifabsnum, \ifabsdim are done. Something missed? Check welcome. BeSt, -- Pawe/l Jackowski P.Jackowski@gust.org.pl