Hans Hagen wrote:
Heiko Oberdiek wrote:
Thus if we add \match, then the newsgroups are full of \match isn't working if I use chess and pdflatex ... And the people would remember, pdfTeX causes problems.
eh .. i can imagine that they are surprised that the primitive \match does not work, but any package that defines its own will since it overloads the primitive
btw, i suppose that the switch to etex also caused problems for latex then?
anyhow, i have no problem with a prefix, how about:
\ext (extensions) -> \extmatch
I believe this addition of a prefix is for most extensions an unneeded complication. If something it isn't used in any of the macro packages in tex/latex/*/* nor in tex/context/*/* in a recent (full) texlive installation, then i consider any such usage to be so esoteric that it can be overruled. If it *is* used, then a solution like Hans' sounds fine, and claiming an extension namespace definately sounds like a good idea (but \epdf is probably better than \ext because of xetex and aleph). Greetings, Taco