Le 12 févr. 08 à 13:07, Hans Hagen a écrit :
just wondering ... why do you use h: and g: ? i can also imagine that you just use the node id (hlists and glues are just a few types)
hlists are useful because any output text belongs to an hlist. But hlists are not always created at parse time, which means that their associate line number is not accurate. On the contrary, glue nodes (like kern and math ones) are created at parse time, which means that their associate line number is accurate. Moreover, glues and kerns are naturally created during the process, no need to force anything. Finally, TeX assumes that kern, math and glue nodes have the same size. Basically, hlist are used to find where the text lies, the glue, kern and math nodes are used to find the real line number inside the boxes. JL