2008/2/11, Hans Hagen
LAURENS Jérôme wrote:
I agree that a name like \pdfsynchronize is more user friendly, but the advantage of synctex is that it can also be used in the CLI... as I said the string "synctex" is also some kind of keyword.
the policy for pdftex is not to introduce new primitives unless preceded by \pdf ... (not that i care that much because macro packages can deal with it but for latex it was considered a problem as there are many packages out there we don't know of), so such is life ...
This isn't really an issue anymore with \pdfprimitive. :-)
anyhow, even if we use a non prefixed primitive, i'd like a more verbose one
or, actually, it belongs to the trace family
or so; since we're talking tex here, the tex in \synctex is somewhat strange; of course you can call your mechanism as such, but that;s a different matter
Agreed. And we shouldn't forget to include Johnathan in the discussion, since this should also end up in XeTeX. :-) Best Martin