Hi, I am collecting some tools to check whether a pdf is ok. I put what I have found so far to a script which can be used as follows: ,-------- | $ checkpdf microtype.pdf | Checking microtype.pdf using pdfvalidator... | PDF library evaluation version, created Dec 2006 | Checking microtype.pdf using Multivalent Validate tool... | Checking microtype.pdf using Ghostscript... | Checking microtype.pdf using pdftoppm (xpdf)... | Printing microtype.pdf to microtype.ps using Acrobat Reader... | Checking microtype.ps using Ghostscript... | Printing microtype.pdf to microtype.ps using pdftops (xpdf)... | Checking microtype.ps using Ghostscript... | Done. `-------- if someone knows of another tool which can be added, please share your experience. Or if someone is interested in the script, I will post it here. Thanh Ref: pdfvalidator: from pdf-tools.com tool.pdf.Validate: from http://multivalent.sourceforge.net/