"HH" == Hans Hagen writes: HH> - take relevant bit and pieces of aleph, esp r-l typesetting so HH> that pdftex+lua can replace aleph
also very essential part of omega/aleph are the 16-bit fonts (or even 32-bit?). HH> that's where open type comes in
in my understanding it is essential to have "font 16-bitness" on the abstract level of TeX (i.e. metric features; specific glyph representation is very much secondary), not connected to any specific font format like Opentype. TeX has always been independent of physical font formats, and that is it's strength... [and omega's 16-bit fonts are no exception] HH> - additional font features (beyond open type) - lua input HH> preprocessing (replacement for otp's)
will lua provide input processing as powerful as OTPs? HH> i dunno, but it will definitely be easier (and documented)
are there any preliminary considerations or descriptions of how it will work (of course not detailed - just to understand the proposed idea of such a replacement of OTPs)? Best, v.