On Fri, 27 May 2005, Hans Hagen wrote:
Hartmut Henkel wrote:
Here is a test file that shows spurious blanks after keywords:
---\pdffontexpand\font 25 25 5 autoexpand---
---\pdfobj reserveobjnum ---
---\pdfdest num1 fitbh ---
---\pdfstartlink goto file{file.pdf} page 1{/FitB}newwindow A\pdfendlink ---
normally one ends such a command with \relax (as with \hrule ...)
but pdftex is the only one using keywords without anything behind it so the patch fits into tex's paradigm
yes --- but meanwhile i fear that it might cause complaints from people actively using these blanks in running text (mainly \pdfdest; the others might be harmless as they are still rather new). Would be interesting to know where it might give problems with LaTeX/hyperref. Maybe it's too late now for changing... Regards, Hartmut