draftmode in DVI mode
the command line option --draftmode or the setting \pdfdraftmode=1
is not working in DVI mode, it is silently ignored.
IMHO the best solution would be if --draftmode or \pdfdraftmode=1
is also respected in DVI mode.
Otherwise a warning or error would be nice, e.g.
* \pdfdraftmode cannot be used in DVI mode.
Invalid value
BTW, setting \pdfdraftmode to an invalid value generates
an error, but quite late and with wrong text:
% pdftex --ini
\def\space{ }
\string\pdfdraftmode\space with
invalid value: \number\pdfdraftmode
\pdfdraftmode with invalid value: -1
! pdfTeX error (setup): \pdfdraftmode can only be changed before anything
is written to the output.
l.10 \shipout\hbox{}
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on test.log.
Yours sincerely
Heiko Oberdiek