mixed colors in TABLE

Hi Everybody,
I'm in front of a unresolvable pb (for the moment !) : compilation aborts
with following file, apparently for a color problem.
the (not so minimal and not working) exemple :
\setupcolors [state=start]
% \setupTABLE[r][1][topframe=on,rulethickness=1em,rulecolor=\TitleColor]
\setupTABLE[c][1][style=\bfb,color=\SubTitleColor] %foreground=color,foregroundcolor=\SubTitleColor
\setupTABLE[c][2][style=\bfa,color=\TextColor] %foreground=color,foregroundcolor=\TextColor
\bTR \bTD Famille : \eTD \bTD Bombacaceae \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Origine : \eTD \bTD Costa Rica \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Température mini : \eTD \bTD 7°C voire moins, mais à cette température l'arbre perd ses feuilles.\eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Généralités : \eTD \bTD arbre tropical pachycaule, feuilles palmées, fleurs blanches avec aigrettes en forme de plumeau, floraison d'avril à juillet, gros fruits ronds, excellente plante d'intérieur. N'entre pas en dormance. \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Exposition : \eTD \bTD mi-ombre \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Atmosphère : \eTD \bTD humide (soucoupe remplie de pouzzolane mouillée et vaporisation à l'eau tiède) \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Arrosage : \eTD \bTD abondants et généreux en été (mais laisser sécher entre 2 arrosages), ne pas trop arroser en hiver Engrais : normal \eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD Substrat : \eTD \bTD moitié terreau plante verte, moitié sable \eTD \eTR
\hbox \bgroup \ignorespaces
\unskip \quad \ignorespaces
\unskip \egroup
and the answer from texmfstart newtexexec.rb --autopdf --pdf
(texexec 5.4.3, texutil 9.0.0, context ver: 2006.02.08) :
systems : begin file pachira-quest at line 20

Hi, olivier wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I'm in front of a unresolvable pb (for the moment !) : compilation aborts with following file, apparently for a color problem.
Luckily, this is easy to fix.
\setupTABLE[c][1][style=\bfb,color=\SubTitleColor] \setupTABLE[c][2][style=\bfa,color=\TextColor]
Just delete the backslashes in front of the color names. The second column of the table is off the page on the right, because the table is too large, but I assume you knew that. Cheers, taco

On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 10:14:50 +0100, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
olivier wrote:
Hi Everybody,
I'm in front of a unresolvable pb (for the moment !) : compilation aborts with following file, apparently for a color problem.
Luckily, this is easy to fix.
\setupTABLE[c][1][style=\bfb,color=\SubTitleColor] \setupTABLE[c][2][style=\bfa,color=\TextColor]
Just delete the backslashes in front of the color names.
The second column of the table is off the page on the right, because the table is too large, but I assume you knew that.
Cheers, taco
Thanks a lot Taco, it's working allright now. For placing image \& text, i've switched to layer placement, because of my ignoreance of Tex commands (placing boxes hori \& verticaly). In the way of finding correct width for columns, i've noticed that i was obliged to clean aux. files for seeing a graphical change. -- Olivier Turlier
participants (3)
olivier Turlier
Taco Hoekwater