Hi, I discovered this bug while answering a question on TeX.SX. Consider: \define\cyrdash{\dontleavehmode\scale[sx=0.80]{---}} \unprotect \setuplanguage [\s!ru] [ \c!midsentence=\cyrdash, \c!leftsentence=\cyrdash, \c!rightsentence=\cyrdash, ] \protect \setupbodyfont[dejavu] \starttext Normal text|<|English \mainlanguage[ru] Normal text|<|Russian \stoptext The pdf shows: Normal text—English Normal text„Russian Why the quote instead of the emdash. The output is okay is if \mainlanguage is set before |<| is used for the first time. Aditya

Aditya Mahajan mailto:adityam@umich.edu 5. Juni 2016 um 00:32 Hi,
I discovered this bug while answering a question on TeX.SX. Consider:
\define\cyrdash{\dontleavehmode\scale[sx=0.80]{---}} \unprotect \setuplanguage [\s!ru] [ \c!midsentence=\cyrdash, \c!leftsentence=\cyrdash, \c!rightsentence=\cyrdash, ] \protect
\starttext Normal text|<|English
\mainlanguage[ru] Normal text|<|Russian \stoptext
The pdf shows:
Normal text—English Normal text„Russian
Why the quote instead of the emdash. The output is okay is if \mainlanguage is set before |<| is used for the first time. When subsentences are nested the inner group uses the leftsubsentence and rightsubsentence symbols.
\mainlanguage[ru] \starttext outer|<|inner|<|nested|>|inner|>|outer \stoptext Wolfgang

On Sun, 5 Jun 2016, Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
Aditya Mahajan mailto:adityam@umich.edu 5. Juni 2016 um 00:32 Hi,
I discovered this bug while answering a question on TeX.SX. Consider:
\define\cyrdash{\dontleavehmode\scale[sx=0.80]{---}} \unprotect \setuplanguage [\s!ru] [ \c!midsentence=\cyrdash, \c!leftsentence=\cyrdash, \c!rightsentence=\cyrdash, ] \protect
\starttext Normal text|<|English
\mainlanguage[ru] Normal text|<|Russian \stoptext
The pdf shows:
Normal text—English Normal text„Russian
Why the quote instead of the emdash. The output is okay is if \mainlanguage is set before |<| is used for the first time. When subsentences are nested the inner group uses the leftsubsentence and rightsubsentence symbols.
\starttext outer|<|inner|<|nested|>|inner|>|outer \stoptext
Ah, thanks! Aditya
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Wolfgang Schuster