Re: [NTG-context] Centering the last line in combination subcaptions

On 2014-02-07 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
On 2013-12-27 Jan Tosovsky wrote:
If captions are long and the image narrow, they are typeset on multiple lines. Default centering produces the ragged column - both not very nice and difficult to read. When the alignment is set to hanging, it looks better except the last line which is not centered.
Finally fixed with align=last :-) This is the improved example. The only remaining issue is an one empty line between the image and the label when \startnarrower command is used. Please compare two pages w/o this option set: %\definefontfamily[palatino][rm][Palatino Linotype][features={default, quality}] %\setupbodyfont[palatino] \setupnarrower[middle=-2.8cm] \starttext test \startplacefigure[location=page, number=no, title={}] \setupcombinations[align={last, hz, hanging}] {\startcombination[1*2] {\externalfigure[cow]} {\startnarrower {\itx \input{tufte}} \stopnarrower} {\externalfigure[cow]} {\startnarrower {\itx \input{lorem}} \stopnarrower} \stopcombination} \stopplacefigure \startplacefigure[location=page, number=no, title={}] \setupcombinations[align={last, hz, hanging}] {\startcombination[1*2] {\externalfigure[cow]} {\itx \input{ward}} {\externalfigure[cow]} {\itx \input{ward}} \stopcombination} \stopplacefigure \stoptext I haven't find any better way to extend the caption width than that negative value for narrowed text. It works, but that empty space above looks weird :-( Thanks for any suggestions, Jan
participants (1)
Jan Tosovsky