My new Ubuntu installation includes TeXLive version 2007-10. Is there a way for me to keep the ConTeXt part of this up-to-date with current (stable) versions? Considering that I have XeTeX 0.996, do I want to, or should I stick with what currently works? --Joel

On Dec 21, 2007 6:22 PM, Joel C. Salomon
My new Ubuntu installation includes TeXLive version 2007-10. Is there a way for me to keep the ConTeXt part of this up-to-date with current (stable) versions? Considering that I have XeTeX 0.996, do I want to, or should I stick with what currently works?
I don't have the answer, but I can tell you how I'm actually using context and luatex. First , i don't install anything fromt ubuntu about TeX: I only use last TeXLive under /opt/texlive I keep a mkii version of context here, and i have update with last pdftex and metapost. Second, for mkiv I always use new context files from pragma; I compile last metapost and luatex and put all stuff under /opt/luatex I feel good with this, because i can change/update distro without pain, and manage stuffs under /opt is also easy. I admit that this is not a 'debian' or ubunto way, but i use linux from 0.99 kernel, and the only things i have found stable is filesystem hierarchy -- luigi http://wiki.contextgarden.net/User:Luigi.scarso/Merry_Christmas_2007 .... it's new . it's powerful . it's luatex . http://www.luatex.org

On Dec 21, 2007 6:22 PM, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
My new Ubuntu installation includes TeXLive version 2007-10. Is there a way for me to keep the ConTeXt part of this up-to-date with current (stable) versions?
ctxtools --updatecontext One (unofficial) way to update (only ConTeXt) is also: rsync -rvzctlp rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/current/context/current/ your-texmf-tree and then remake the formats manually.
Considering that I have XeTeX 0.996, do I want to, or should I stick with what currently works?
For XeTeX it's probably advisable to have a recent ConTeXt version, but not neccessary the latest SVN binaries (it's nice to have them, but not obligatory). 0.996 still works OK, only a bit slower (new important fixes might also come out soon). In the case of LuaTeX you really need the latest binary. Mojca

On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
My new Ubuntu installation includes TeXLive version 2007-10. Is there a way for me to keep the ConTeXt part of this up-to-date with current (stable) versions?
I am in the same situation. Ubuntu 7.10, but the context version of the latest texlive is too old for my needs.
Considering that I have XeTeX 0.996, do I want to, or should I stick with what currently works?
In most cases (except if you want to test mkiv) the current binaries are ok. So, for pdftex (1.40.3-2.2), metapost (0.993) and xetex (0.996), I stick with the version provided by ubuntu. So far I have not run into a bug that was fixed in a higher version. If I do, I will download the latest binaries. For me, the more important thing is to have an uptodate context files. After a bit of trial and error, this is what I settled on. Create $HOME/texmf. Download justtex.zip, and cont-tmf.zip, cont-fnt.zip from pragma's website, and unzip them inside $HOME/texmf. Download the font files from TeX Gyre and unzip then in $HOME/texmf. Remake the formats, move the stubs and few programs to the path, and you are done. The only drawback of this is that you have to update manually. ctxtools --updatecontext unzip the file in TEXMFLOCAL, and not TEXMFHOME, so it does not work with this setup. I used $HOME/texmf rather than TEXMFLOCAL because there are some other programs that install stuff at TEXMFLOCAL. With the current mechanism, I can just mv $HOME/texmf to another directory, and go back to the context that comes with unbuntu. Aditya

On Dec 21, 2007 9:17 PM, Aditya Mahajan
Create $HOME/texmf. Download justtex.zip, and cont-tmf.zip, cont-fnt.zip from pragma's website, and unzip them inside $HOME/texmf. Download the font files from TeX Gyre and unzip then in $HOME/texmf.
Do I need to set the TEXMFHOME environment variable? Also: will downloading linuxtex.zip to the same place give me up-to-date luatex, or will it just mess up my installation?
Remake the formats, move the stubs and few programs to the path, and you are done.
Is there a command to remake the pdftex and xetex formats together? Rather than moving programs, might it be easier to add ~/texmf/<whatever>/bin to the PATH?
The only drawback of this is that you have to update manually. ctxtools --updatecontext unzip the file in TEXMFLOCAL, and not TEXMFHOME, so it does not work with this setup.
Hmm... will the rsync update work, or do I need to download the zips? Thanks for the suggestion; I'll report back on what works. --Joel

On Dec 23, 2007 4:47 AM, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
On Dec 21, 2007 9:17 PM, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
Create $HOME/texmf. Download justtex.zip, and cont-tmf.zip, cont-fnt.zip from pragma's website, and unzip them inside $HOME/texmf. Download the font files from TeX Gyre and unzip then in $HOME/texmf.
Do I need to set the TEXMFHOME environment variable?
It depends on the installation. But TEXMFHOME is usually already set in texmf.cnf.
Also: will downloading linuxtex.zip to the same place give me up-to-date luatex, or will it just mess up my installation?
linuxtex.zip at pragma is from August, so you won't get the latest luatex with it. linuxtex at http://minimals.contextgarden.net/pragma/ has the latest luatex beta (+ reasonably latest other binaries and latest LM, TeX Gyre, ...), but might differ from the one at pragma. (I need feedback.)
Remake the formats, move the stubs and few programs to the path, and you are done.
Is there a command to remake the pdftex and xetex formats together?
Not at the moment. texexec -- make --all texexec -- make --all --xtx texexec -- make --all --lua
Rather than moving programs, might it be easier to add ~/texmf/<whatever>/bin to the PATH?
That's what setuptex in minimals does. Yes, if you're updating an exesting distribution, it might be easier and cleaner to add a variable to path than to overwrite the old binaries.
The only drawback of this is that you have to update manually. ctxtools --updatecontext unzip the file in TEXMFLOCAL, and not TEXMFHOME, so it does not work with this setup.
Hmm... will the rsync update work, or do I need to download the zips?
Of course it works. You have two options: a) rsync -flags rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/pragma/linux/ [your-favorite location] will give you the almost-latest binaries in one rsync run (there is also "justtex" for the common files). b) wget http://minimals.contextgarden.net/setup/linux/first-setup.sh or (same file): rsync -flags rsync://contextgarden.net/minimals/setup/linux/first-setup.sh and then run that file to get the whole distribution at the desired location. (experimental - someone needs to write support for local configuration) flags may be -av or whatever else seems more appropriate. Also, if you already have a working TeX distribution, you can write a few rsync calls yourself. At http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/ (= rsync://minimals.contextgarden.net/minimals/current/) you have: - current ConTeXt - almost-latest binaries - fonts any you can combine the stuff from there in some arbitrary way. Mojca

I'm trying to put everything together so potential problems are easily
identifiable, and so that a recipe or shell script can perhaps be put
on the wiki.
On Dec 23, 2007 5:08 AM, Mojca Miklavec
Also, if you already have a working TeX distribution, you can write a few rsync calls yourself. At http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/ you have: - current ConTeXt - almost-latest binaries - fonts any you can combine the stuff from there in some arbitrary way.
So, since I have a working TeX from Ubuntu, I want to put all the "new" stuff in my TEXMFHOME (A.K.A. ~/texmf). To this end, I could use some help putting the rsync calls together. In each case the command will take the form "rsync --recursive --perms --compress --checksum --times --links --verbose rsync://<something>/ ~/texmf/<somewhere>", which I'll abbreviate in this email as "rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/... ~/texmf/..." (so lines don't get broken at inconvenient times). The basic ConTeXt stuff gets pulled in, as Mojca suggested, thus: rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/context/current/ ~/texmf/ Next, I want to get the up-to-date binaries, for which I'd like to do something like rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/[*]/linux/ ~/texmf/ where I either need to write a separate line for each of {common, context, luatex, metapost, pdftex, xetex}, or have a single command that includes them all. (Since I intend to put this all in a shell script, a bit of duplication isn't a problem.) This will put "/current/bin/[package]/[system]/bin/[whatever]" into "~/texmf/bin/", where I think they belong in an installed system. The manuals seem to be in a somewhat odd place (under bin!); I'd use rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/man/ ~/texmf/ but no programs should care where they are; this is my own use. In fact, perhaps I should put the man pages where the man system can find them. I'll leave this for another day. NB: I have no idea whether I need the stuff in "/current/base" or "/current/misc", nor where in the texmf tree they would go. I won't be installing any modules now, so I can ignore that part of the tree. The fonts are, like the binaries, in a "/current/fonts/[group]/fonts/[format]/..." tree, and the installed system should have them in "~/texmf/fonts/[format]/...", so I need another four lines of the sort rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/fonts/[*]/ ~/texmf/ where [*] is one of {common, new, old, other}. (Are there any I really don't need or want?) I add ~/texmf/bin to the front of my PATH. And then I follow all that up with a rebuilding of the format files with texexec -- make --all texexec -- make --all --xtx texexec -- make --all --lua (Will the formats be made in TEXMFHOME or somewhere else?) If this passes the sanity check with you guys, and if I can get answers to the stuff I'm unsure on, I'll try it & report back. --Joel

On Dec 26, 2007 1:56 AM, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
I'm trying to put everything together so potential problems are easily identifiable, and so that a recipe or shell script can perhaps be put on the wiki.
On Dec 23, 2007 5:08 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Also, if you already have a working TeX distribution, you can write a few rsync calls yourself. At http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/ you have: - current ConTeXt - almost-latest binaries - fonts any you can combine the stuff from there in some arbitrary way.
So, since I have a working TeX from Ubuntu, I want to put all the "new" stuff in my TEXMFHOME (A.K.A. ~/texmf). To this end, I could use some help putting the rsync calls together.
That's OK, but I would neverthelees suggest you to put the files under TEXMFLOCAL, since TEXMFHOME is usually searched recursively for files and thus much slower (well, it depends on texmf.cnf). (One question though: doesn't Ubuntu provide pretty recent files already, or is that only in unstable versions?)
In each case the command will take the form "rsync --recursive --perms --compress --checksum --times --links --verbose rsync://<something>/ ~/texmf/<somewhere>", which I'll abbreviate in this email as "rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/... ~/texmf/..." (so lines don't get broken at inconvenient times).
The basic ConTeXt stuff gets pulled in, as Mojca suggested, thus: rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/context/current/ ~/texmf/
That's OK.
Next, I want to get the up-to-date binaries, for which I'd like to do something like rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/[*]/linux/ ~/texmf/ where I either need to write a separate line for each of {common, context, luatex, metapost, pdftex, xetex}, or have a single command that includes them all.
common is taken from TeXLive, so you prabably don't need it. context are usually one-liners + mtxrun & texmfstart (the latter two might be needed). rsync -rvzctlp rsync://contextgarden.net'/minimals/current/bin/xetex/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/pdftex/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/metapost/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/luatex/linux/bin/' x Where the only requirement is to have x in PATH before TeXLive binaries. (Note that the trailing slash makes the difference.) Once upon a time you would also need xetex.pool, metapost.mem, pdftex.pool, but they're gone now :) (you may remove "bin" in the lines above) If you make a single call, it will be faster.
(Since I intend to put this all in a shell script, a bit of duplication isn't a problem.) This will put "/current/bin/[package]/[system]/bin/[whatever]" into "~/texmf/bin/", where I think they belong in an installed system.
The location is up to you. Just make sure it's in PATH.
The manuals seem to be in a somewhat odd place (under bin!);
These are not the manuals, but man pages (OK, that's documentation indeed, but the important thing is to place them parallel to bin in order to make them work). I have texmf-osx-intel/bin/ [xetex, pdftex, ...] texmf-osx-intel/man/man1/ [man pages]
I'd use rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/man/ ~/texmf/
That should work if you have the binaries in ~/texmf/bin
but no programs should care where they are; this is my own use. In fact, perhaps I should put the man pages where the man system can find them. I'll leave this for another day.
NB: I have no idea whether I need the stuff in "/current/base" or "/current/misc", nor where in the texmf tree they would go.
No, you don't need that. You have it already. Now, concerning fonts [IMPORTANT]: I would really really love to split them somehow since they're huge (there's only TeX Gyre, LM, Antykwa & some AMS, but they still take quite some space), but I have no idea how. Hans has suggestes some non-TDS compliant way. Any ideas wellcome. The *important* warning means: things (locations) may change concerning fonts in the future.
The fonts are, like the binaries, in a "/current/fonts/[group]/fonts/[format]/..." tree, and the installed system should have them in "~/texmf/fonts/[format]/...", so I need another four lines of the sort rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/fonts/[*]/ ~/texmf/ where [*] is one of {common, new, old, other}. (Are there any I really don't need or want?)
You probably don't need "other" (these are times & platino math fonts). new: OpenType (for XeTeX and LuaTeX) old: metrics/encodings/maps for pdfTeX common: mostly math-related metrics/encodings/maps + AMS fonts It depends. If you already have fonts on your system and if you don't need TeX Gyre, you don't need to fetch any fonts at all. You can follow the pattern mentioned above to fetch all the fonts at once.
I add ~/texmf/bin to the front of my PATH.
And then I follow all that up with a rebuilding of the format files with texexec -- make --all texexec -- make --all --xtx texexec -- make --all --lua (Will the formats be made in TEXMFHOME or somewhere else?)
They're usually made in TEXMFLOCAL. But I guess that you also have some command on ubuntu which does that.
If this passes the sanity check with you guys, and if I can get answers to the stuff I'm unsure on, I'll try it & report back.
LuaTeX might need some additionas variables, but well ... ask in case of problems. Majca

Hello all,
I used Context to write an entire novel in 2005 (under Fedora linux).
Since then I didn't
do any work in Context until now. I am now coming back
to write a second book (under Ubuntu this time), and found myself
totally confused with all
this new business of luatex, mkii, mkiv, installation, etc. This set
of messages touches
many of those issues, but it is not organized in such a way that I can
follow a step-by-step
procedure to use the latest Context. I even question whether I need to
use luatex.
Could any of the Context gurus give me an advice or provide a document to
update my Context in ubuntu?
Thank you
Have you read THE GUITAR MAKER ?
Check it out: http://www.TheGuitarMakerExploration.com
On Dec 26, 2007 6:14 AM, Mojca Miklavec
On Dec 26, 2007 1:56 AM, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
I'm trying to put everything together so potential problems are easily identifiable, and so that a recipe or shell script can perhaps be put on the wiki.
On Dec 23, 2007 5:08 AM, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
Also, if you already have a working TeX distribution, you can write a few rsync calls yourself. At http://minimals.contextgarden.net/current/ you have: - current ConTeXt - almost-latest binaries - fonts any you can combine the stuff from there in some arbitrary way.
So, since I have a working TeX from Ubuntu, I want to put all the "new" stuff in my TEXMFHOME (A.K.A. ~/texmf). To this end, I could use some help putting the rsync calls together.
That's OK, but I would neverthelees suggest you to put the files under TEXMFLOCAL, since TEXMFHOME is usually searched recursively for files and thus much slower (well, it depends on texmf.cnf).
(One question though: doesn't Ubuntu provide pretty recent files already, or is that only in unstable versions?)
In each case the command will take the form "rsync --recursive --perms --compress --checksum --times --links --verbose rsync://<something>/ ~/texmf/<somewhere>", which I'll abbreviate in this email as "rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/... ~/texmf/..." (so lines don't get broken at inconvenient times).
The basic ConTeXt stuff gets pulled in, as Mojca suggested, thus: rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/context/current/ ~/texmf/
That's OK.
Next, I want to get the up-to-date binaries, for which I'd like to do something like rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/[*]/linux/ ~/texmf/ where I either need to write a separate line for each of {common, context, luatex, metapost, pdftex, xetex}, or have a single command that includes them all.
common is taken from TeXLive, so you prabably don't need it. context are usually one-liners + mtxrun & texmfstart (the latter two might be needed).
rsync -rvzctlp rsync://contextgarden.net'/minimals/current/bin/xetex/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/pdftex/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/metapost/linux/bin/ minimals/current/bin/luatex/linux/bin/' x
Where the only requirement is to have x in PATH before TeXLive binaries.
(Note that the trailing slash makes the difference.) Once upon a time you would also need xetex.pool, metapost.mem, pdftex.pool, but they're gone now :) (you may remove "bin" in the lines above)
If you make a single call, it will be faster.
(Since I intend to put this all in a shell script, a bit of duplication isn't a problem.) This will put "/current/bin/[package]/[system]/bin/[whatever]" into "~/texmf/bin/", where I think they belong in an installed system.
The location is up to you. Just make sure it's in PATH.
The manuals seem to be in a somewhat odd place (under bin!);
These are not the manuals, but man pages (OK, that's documentation indeed, but the important thing is to place them parallel to bin in order to make them work).
I have texmf-osx-intel/bin/ [xetex, pdftex, ...] texmf-osx-intel/man/man1/ [man pages]
I'd use rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/bin/man/ ~/texmf/
That should work if you have the binaries in ~/texmf/bin
but no programs should care where they are; this is my own use. In fact, perhaps I should put the man pages where the man system can find them. I'll leave this for another day.
NB: I have no idea whether I need the stuff in "/current/base" or "/current/misc", nor where in the texmf tree they would go.
No, you don't need that. You have it already.
Now, concerning fonts [IMPORTANT]: I would really really love to split them somehow since they're huge (there's only TeX Gyre, LM, Antykwa & some AMS, but they still take quite some space), but I have no idea how. Hans has suggestes some non-TDS compliant way. Any ideas wellcome. The *important* warning means: things (locations) may change concerning fonts in the future.
The fonts are, like the binaries, in a "/current/fonts/[group]/fonts/[format]/..." tree, and the installed system should have them in "~/texmf/fonts/[format]/...", so I need another four lines of the sort rsync -rvzctlp rs://cg.net/minimals/current/fonts/[*]/ ~/texmf/ where [*] is one of {common, new, old, other}. (Are there any I really don't need or want?)
You probably don't need "other" (these are times & platino math fonts).
new: OpenType (for XeTeX and LuaTeX) old: metrics/encodings/maps for pdfTeX common: mostly math-related metrics/encodings/maps + AMS fonts
It depends. If you already have fonts on your system and if you don't need TeX Gyre, you don't need to fetch any fonts at all. You can follow the pattern mentioned above to fetch all the fonts at once.
I add ~/texmf/bin to the front of my PATH.
And then I follow all that up with a rebuilding of the format files with texexec -- make --all texexec -- make --all --xtx texexec -- make --all --lua (Will the formats be made in TEXMFHOME or somewhere else?)
They're usually made in TEXMFLOCAL. But I guess that you also have some command on ubuntu which does that.
If this passes the sanity check with you guys, and if I can get answers to the stuff I'm unsure on, I'll try it & report back.
LuaTeX might need some additionas variables, but well ... ask in case of problems.
___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki!
maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://tex.aanhet.net archive : https://foundry.supelec.fr/projects/contextrev/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ___________________________________________________________________________________

On Wed, 26 Dec 2007, Ciro Soto wrote:
Hello all, I used Context to write an entire novel in 2005 (under Fedora linux). Since then I didn't do any work in Context until now. I am now coming back to write a second book (under Ubuntu this time), and found myself totally confused with all this new business of luatex, mkii, mkiv, installation, etc. This set of messages touches many of those issues, but it is not organized in such a way that I can follow a step-by-step procedure to use the latest Context. I even question whether I need to use luatex. Could any of the Context gurus give me an advice or provide a document to update my Context in ubuntu?
Ubuntu ships with 2007.04.17 version of ConTeXt. For most purposes this is recent enough. I would suggest that you start with that. If you run into a bug or require a new feature, then think about how to upgrade to the latest version. Ubuntu version of context is usually never less than a year old (follows texlive, I think), so using that will be easiest. To install context, go to System->Administration->Synaptic Packet Manager and search for context and install context and context-nonfree (and context-doc-nonfree if you want). Aditya

On Sat, 22 Dec 2007, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
On Dec 21, 2007 9:17 PM, Aditya Mahajan
wrote: Create $HOME/texmf. Download justtex.zip, and cont-tmf.zip, cont-fnt.zip from pragma's website, and unzip them inside $HOME/texmf. Download the font files from TeX Gyre and unzip then in $HOME/texmf.
Do I need to set the TEXMFHOME environment variable?
I had to set TEXMFCNF to /usr/share/texmf/web2c, and LUAINPUTS to $HOME/texmf/context/base and $HOME/texmf/scripts/context/lua/
Also: will downloading linuxtex.zip to the same place give me up-to-date luatex, or will it just mess up my installation?
I did not try the binaries from linuxtex.zip.
Remake the formats, move the stubs and few programs to the path, and you are done.
Is there a command to remake the pdftex and xetex formats together?
Rather than moving programs, might it be easier to add ~/texmf/<whatever>/bin to the PATH?
I was talking about scripts in texmf/scripts/context/stubs (texmfstart.rb, texexec.rb, etc.)
The only drawback of this is that you have to update manually. ctxtools --updatecontext unzip the file in TEXMFLOCAL, and not TEXMFHOME, so it does not work with this setup.
Hmm... will the rsync update work, or do I need to download the zips?
In principle, rsync should work. I did not try that. Aditya

On Fri, Dec 21, 2007 at 12:22:11PM -0500, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
My new Ubuntu installation includes TeXLive version 2007-10. Is there a way for me to keep the ConTeXt part of this up-to-date with current (stable) versions? Considering that I have XeTeX 0.996, do I want to, or should I stick with what currently works?
Hello Joel, Here another alternative: - don't install any TeX-live package from Ubuntu - installation of the latest development snapshot of TeX-live (including latest versions of luatex, pdftex, metapost and xetex with the command "rpmbuild --rebuild --force http://pmrb.free.fr/texlive/texlive.nosrc.rpm" (I did not test it on Ubuntu, only on openSUSE, so I would be glad, if you could give me feedback if you test it on Ubuntu.) - ConTeXt update with command "updateConTeXt.sh" (current version) or "updateConTeXt beta" (beta version) - LuaTeX update with command "updateLuaTeX.sh" (trunk version) Cheers, Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/
participants (6)
Aditya Mahajan
Ciro Soto
Joel C. Salomon
luigi scarso
Mojca Miklavec
Peter Münster