Hi Hans, Some time ago I reported about an issue with \definemathcommand, and the issue is still present, as one can see with following example. Best regards: Otared % begin liminf-Argmin.tex \setupbodyfont[lucidaot] %\setupbodyfont[termes] \definemathcommand [Argmin] [limop] {\mfunctionlabeltext{ArgMin}} \definemathcommand [liminfbar] [limop] {\underline{\mfunctionlabeltext{lim}}} \definemathcommand [limsupbar] [limop] {\overline{\mfunctionlabeltext{lim}}} \starttext The built-in commands \type{\liminf}, yielding $\liminf$, and \type{\limsup}, yielding $\limsup$ do not work properly with LucidaOT: \startformula x_{n} := (-1)^n, \quad\mbox{then} \quad \liminf_{n \geq 0}x_{n} = -1, \quad \limsup_{n\geq 0} x_{n}= +1. \stopformula The user defined commands \type{\liminfbar} and \type{\limsupbar} behave correctly: \startformula x_{n} := (-1)^n, \quad\mbox{then} \quad \liminfbar_{n \geq 0}x_{n} = -1, \quad \limsupbar_{n\geq 0}x_{n} = +1, \stopformula but not the command \type{\Argmin} \startformula \Argmin_{x\in {\Bbb R}} (x^2 - x + 1) = {1 \over 2}. \stopformula \stoptext % end liminf-Argmin.tex
participants (1)
Otared Kavian