Hi all! It appears to me, that there is a bug in transferring internal information: Suppose you have a large image. You need to squeeze this image into the width of 1 column in a two column environment. If the figure is placed with a fixed width it comes out as expect. If you use \textwidth or \makeupwidth the figure will not be sized correctly. \showframe % \definemixedcolumns[columns] % \setupcolumns % [distance=4mm] \starttext \startsimplecolumns \placefigure [middle] [Cow] {Cow width fixed-width} {\externalfigure[cow][frame=on,width=4cm]} \placefigure [middle] [Cow] {Cow with \type{\textwidth}} {\externalfigure[Pyramid][fame=on,width=\textwidth]} \placefigure [middle] [Cow] {Cow with \type{\makeupwidth}} {\externalfigure[Pyramid][frame=on,width=\makeupwidth]} \stopsimplecolumns \stoptext Willi
participants (1)
Willi Egger