Hi Hans, while busy to develop more FLOWcharts, I get the following error, which does not lead to fatal exit. The resulting pdf-file is according to my oppinion o.k. Do you have an idea what is wrong? ... systems : end file cenj at line 244 ! pdfTeX warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{page:15}) h as been already used, duplicate ignored <recently read> fit <to be read again> \egroup \fakePDFpagedestination ...e:\realfolio }}\egroup \fi \fi \fi \actualshipout ...chbox \hbox {\the \everyshipout \ifnum \realpageno =\lastp... \myshipout ...pout {\thisisrealpage \realfolio #1} \fi \gotonextrealpage \nap... \dofinaloutput ...pagebody #1#2\setpagecounters }} \fi \the \everyaftershipou... ... l.244 \stoptext [16.15] ) Groet Willi
participants (1)
Willi Egger