I: Re: Problems with: \completepublications in index

i didn't receve any replay, just to know if i make any mistake in the question form (attachment are allowed?!?) or if my question is not a goodone to send in this mailing list.
Best regards
--- Ven 14/11/08, mattia schirosa
Hi, i try to put my bibliography in index and in end of the book.
-it works only with \completepublications, but i have no reference in index
What do you want in index?
- if i call a chapter{Bibliography} and then i call the bibliography with \placepublications, it doesn't work, context don't make me see the biblio in pdf. - if i comment %\startappendices %\stopappendices it works but i have not correct numbering in index! There is a bug?
\stopbodymatter \startappendices
%\chapter{Bibliografia} NO WORKING with \startappendices \completepublications
%\placepublications NO WORKING with \stopappendices
Send a complete example. Wolfgang Scopri la community di Io fotografo e video Il nuovo corso di Gazzetta dello sport per diventare veri fotografi! Unisciti alla community di Io fotografo e video, il nuovo corso di fotografia di Gazzetta dello sport: http://www.flickr.com/groups/iofotografoevideo

Did you try Taco's suggestion: \placepublications[criterium=all] Aditya On Sun, 16 Nov 2008, mattia schirosa wrote:
Sorry, i didn't receve any replay, just to know if i make any mistake in the question form (attachment are allowed?!?) or if my question is not a goodone to send in this mailing list. Thanks. Best regards
--- Ven 14/11/08, mattia schirosa
ha scritto: Da: mattia schirosa Oggetto: Re: [NTG-context] Problems with: \completepublications in index A: ntg-context@ntg.nl Data: Venerdì 14 novembre 2008, 18:52 I just want the bibliography in index with A, and not with a number.
Here the example that should be work but it doesn't: i can't see the bibliography list in bibliography chapter. why? and if i comment %\startappendices %\stopappendices it works but i have not correct numbering in index!
\enableregime [utf] \mainlanguage [it]
\usemodule[bib] \setupheadtext[it][pubs={Bibliografia}] \setupbibtex [database=PaesaggioSonoro, sort=author]
\starttext \title {Indice} \placecontent \startbodymatter \chapter{first} \cite[LoValle_AudioMultimedia] \chapter{second} \cite[SaggiEcoMusica] \chapter{3} \stopbodymatter \startappendices \chapter{Biblio} \placepublications \stopappendices \stoptext
Thanks for your work. Best regards Mattia
--- Ven 14/11/08, Wolfgang Schuster
ha scritto: Da: Wolfgang Schuster Oggetto: Re: [NTG-context] Problems with: \completepublications in index A: mattiaschirosa@yahoo.it, "mailing list for ConTeXt users" Data: Venerdì 14 novembre 2008, 11:58 Am 14.11.2008 um 11:50 schrieb mattia schirosa:
Hi, i try to put my bibliography in index and in end of the book.
-it works only with \completepublications, but i have no reference in index
What do you want in index?
- if i call a chapter{Bibliography} and then i call the bibliography with \placepublications, it doesn't work, context don't make me see the biblio in pdf. - if i comment %\startappendices %\stopappendices it works but i have not correct numbering in index! There is a bug?
\stopbodymatter \startappendices
%\chapter{Bibliografia} NO WORKING with \startappendices \completepublications
%\placepublications NO WORKING with \stopappendices
Send a complete example.
Scopri la community di Io fotografo e video
Il nuovo corso di Gazzetta dello sport per diventare veri fotografi!
Unisciti alla community di Io fotografo e video, il nuovo corso di fotografia di Gazzetta dello sport: http://www.flickr.com/groups/iofotografoevideo
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
mattia schirosa