Hi all, (see [NTG-context] itemize) Now I use \setupitemize[each][2,packed,joinedup,intext][indentnext=yes] % thanks Hans for intext ! but I don't obtain indentation of the first line of each item... i.e. I got Un petit paragraphe qui continue à la ligne. - le premier élément de la liste, - le second élément de la liste. instead of Un petit paragraphe qui continue à la ligne. - le premier élément de la liste, - le second élément de la liste. I have tried several options in setuptiemize but failed to get what I want... Cheers, Renaud
Thanks Taco to help me on this issue. I eventually use (allmost copy-paste from #context): \setbox0=\hbox{--~} \def\indenteddash#1{\hskip\parindent--~} \definesymbol[indentdash][\indenteddash] \setupitemize[each][indentdash,packed,joinedup,intext][indentnext=yes,width=\dimexpr \parindent + \wd0 \relax] Cheers, Renaud
participants (1)
Renaud AUBIN