I tried building my own TOC as follows: ... \definelist[subject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubsubject][alternative=a] \definecombinedlist[foo] [subject,subsubject,subsubsubject] [level=subsubsubject,criterium=local] \setupcombinedlist[foo] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} ... \placelist[foo] \subject{Top Choices} \subsubject{General Publishing} .... This set of commands stops with errors. What stupid thing did I do this time? -- John Culleton -- John Culleton Precision Typesetting Able Indexers and Typesetters http://wexfordpress.com _________________________________________________________________ Need personalized email and website? Look no further. It's easy with Doteasy $0 Web Hosting! Learn more at www.doteasy.com

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 17:24:14 -0400 john@wexfordpress.com wrote:
I tried building my own TOC as follows: ... \definelist[subject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubsubject][alternative=a] \definecombinedlist[foo] [subject,subsubject,subsubsubject] [level=subsubsubject,criterium=local] \setupcombinedlist[foo] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} ... \placelist[foo] \subject{Top Choices}
\subsubject{General Publishing} ....
This set of commands stops with errors.
What stupid thing did I do this time? -- John Culleton
Hi John, you can disable the numbers of section, subsection ... and use the default content list for this. You should also try to search in the old list archives for your problem. \setuphead [section,subsection] [number=no] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} \placecontent \section{Top Choices} \subsection{General Publishing} \stoptext Wolfgang

On Friday 19 October 2007 05:24:14 pm john@wexfordpress.com wrote:
I tried building my own TOC as follows: ... \definelist[subject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubsubject][alternative=a] \definecombinedlist[foo] [subject,subsubject,subsubsubject] [level=subsubsubject,criterium=local] \setupcombinedlist[foo] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} ... \placelist[foo] \subject{Top Choices}
\subsubject{General Publishing} ....
This set of commands stops with errors.
What stupid thing did I do this time? -- John Culleton
Gave up on the above attempt, went back to the default chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection and suppressed numbering. Now I am where I wanted to be in the first place. When I set up interaction for subsubsection all the levels became interactive. Don't know why. So for section and subsection I added "...interaction=pagenumber...". Since I had previously eliminated page numbers for these levels in the TOC that faked out the interaction. Now I need to add a thumbnail for the index so folks can get back there from any point. Will try the pdftex command. -- John Culleton Want to know what I really think? http://apps.wexfordpress.net/blog/ And my must-read (free) short list: http://wexfordpress.com/tex/shortlist.pdf _________________________________________________________________ Need personalized email and website? Look no further. It's easy with Doteasy $0 Web Hosting! Learn more at www.doteasy.com

2007/10/20, John Culleton
On Friday 19 October 2007 05:24:14 pm john@wexfordpress.com wrote:
I tried building my own TOC as follows: ... \definelist[subject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubject][alternative=a] \definelist[subsubsubject][alternative=a] \definecombinedlist[foo] [subject,subsubject,subsubsubject] [level=subsubsubject,criterium=local] \setupcombinedlist[foo] \starttext \title{Annotated Booklist} ... \placelist[foo] \subject{Top Choices}
\subsubject{General Publishing} ....
This set of commands stops with errors.
What stupid thing did I do this time? -- John Culleton
Gave up on the above attempt, went back to the default chapter, section, subsection, subsubsection and suppressed numbering. Now I am where I wanted to be in the first place.
When I set up interaction for subsubsection all the levels became interactive. Don't know why. So for section and subsection I added "...interaction=pagenumber...". Since I had previously eliminated page numbers for these levels in the TOC that faked out the interaction.
Now I need to add a thumbnail for the index so folks can get back there from any point. Will try the pdftex command.
Hi John, it's a little bit too late but I found a way to put also subjects to the table of contents, you can do this with a setup command in \setuphead. \setuphead [subject] [incrementnumber=list] This can help you in your next project if you want both a numbered and a unnumbered section header in your document but both of them should appear in the content list. Wolfgang
participants (3)
John Culleton
Wolfgang Schuster