Hey list, I'd like to place a figure on its own page, landscaped, horizontally and vertically centred, and uniformly scaled to the maximum dimensions of the page, whichever hits it first, the width or height of the figure. I'd like to do this within, say, 95% of the page width and height. This is what I am using so far and it works fine, except the image is not horizontally / vertically centred, and it is not uniformly scaled to the max boundary as I previously described. % Insert a full page landscape diagram, parameters are node name, caption, and path... \def\FullPageLandscapeDiagram#1#2#3% { \page \setuppapersize[diagram] \setuplayout[fullpage] \placefigure [force][figure:#1] {#2} {\externalfigure[#3][factor=max]} \page \setuppapersize[main] \setuplayout[reset] } ... \FullPageLandscapeDiagram {NodeName} {Some caption.} {Figure.svg} -- Kip Warner -- Software Engineer OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred http://www.thevertigo.com
participants (1)
Kip Warner