Strange behaviour of startitemize[1]

Hi, Sorry for perhaps silly question, but I receive and error for this code: \subsubsubject{El problema de la paraula} \startitemize[1] \item $\pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. \item Per a tota paraula $w = w_1 \ldots w_r$ sobre $X \cup X^{-1}$, \startformula \pi(w) = \pi(w_1) \cdots \pi(w_r) \in G. \stopformula \stopitemize that in the first item should be one less $: subsubsubject : - El problema de la paraula ! Argument of \dodoregister has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doattributes #1#2\@EA \endcsname \fi {#4} \dostopattributes \dolistitem ...evel \c!style \c!color {\listitem } \fi \fi }\ifconditional \f... \complexdoitemgroupitem ...obreak \fi \dolistitem \relax \ifconditional \pac... <to be read again> $ l.237 \item $ \pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. ? x The whole file is attached. What's the problem. Sorry I don't see.... Xan. % interface=en output=pdftex %\environment capcalera.context % Capçalera % Regime \enableregime[utf] % Choose a font \setupbodyfont [cmr,11pt] % cmr, 11pt % Be tolerant with paragraph building \setuptolerance [horizontal,verytolerant,stretch] % Choose a language, and associated hyphenation rules. %\language [ca] \mainlanguage[ca] % Page number \setuppagenumbering [location={footer}] % White space between paragraphs %\setupwhitespace [big] % Paper size \setuppapersize [a4] % Margins %\setuplayout [grid=yes, footer=0.5\footerheight, header=0.5\headerheight] %\setuplayout[footer=2cm, header=2cm] %\showlayout %\showframe %\showsetups % Format de marges %\setuplayout[topspace=1.5cm, % marge d'adalt %margin=1.5cm, %marges dels costats %header=1.0cm,%separació entre adalt i primera línia %footer=1.0cm,%separació entre abaix i darrera línia %width=fit,height=fit,backspace=2cm] % Enable colors and activate hyperlinks \setupcolors [state=start] \definecolor[lightblue][r=0.5, g=0.5, b=1.0] %\setupinteraction [state=start, color=lightBlue] %\setupurl[style=small, space=yes] \setupurl[space=yes] % Enumerate the URLs %\useURL[wiki][][][\ConTeXt\ wiki] %\useURL[nagorko-pdf][][][\~{}barakw/\quad\quad\quad\quad probseminar/nagorko/slides.pdf] %\useURL[govern-me][][][] %\useURL[context-manual-pdf][][][ cont-eni.pdf] %\useURL [contextgarden] [{}] %\useURL [mccammond][{}][] [{\tf\~{}jon.mccammond/geogrouptheory/}] % Fonts %% Chapters... \setupheads[align=flushleft] \setuphead[chapter][style={\tfd\bf}] \setuphead[section][style={\bfc}, header=nomarking] \setuphead[subsection][style={\bfb}] \setuphead[subsubsection][style={\bfa}] %\setuphead[section][textstyle=bold] % Bibliography options % BIBTEX \usemodule[bib] \usemodule[bibltx] \setupbibtex[database=memoria,sort=author] \setuppublications [alternative=ams,numbering=yes, sorttype=bbl, criterium=cite]% \setupheadtext[ca][pubs=Referències] \setuppublicationlist[authoretallimit=3] \setuppublicationlist[authoretaltext={\it\ et al.}] \setuppublicationlist[authoretaldisplay=1] %Indentation \setupheads[indentnext=yes] \setupindenting[yes,small,first] %\setupformulae[indentnext=yes] % Vertical spaces between paragraphs \setupwhitespace[small] %Itemize \setupitemize[each][indentnext=no,margin=2em] % [identnext=yes,margin=2em] \setupitemize[each][headstyle=bold] %\setupitemize[a][right=),stopper=] % Mathematical packets \usemodule[newmat] \usemodule[math-ams] % Heads and footers %\setupfootertexts[][{\tfx \currentdate}] %\setupfootertexts[\pagenumber/\lastpage] %\setupfooter[text][before=\hrule] %\setupheader[text][after=\hrule] %\setupheadertexts[{\tfx Màster de Matemàtiques}][{\tfx \jobname.\ConTeXt{}.\currentdate}] %\setupheadertexts[][{\tfx \currentdate}] % hyphenating \hyphenation{do-cu-ment} \hyphenation{pro-ble-ma} \hyphenation{es-crip-tu-ra} \hyphenation{ge-ne-ra-lit-za-ció} \hyphenation{cor-res-po-nents} \hyphenation{pa-rells} \hyphenation{ge-ne-rat} % Modules \usemodule[tikz] \usemodule[pgfmath] \usetikzlibrary[mindmap,arrows,calc,decorations.pathmorphing,decorations.markings] %\usetikzlibrary[trees] % AMSTHM equivalent %% Exercici \defineenumeration [exercici] [text={Problema},headstyle=bold,between=\blank,titledistance=0em,textdistance=1em, stopper={.\space},location=serried,left={\bgroup\bf},right={\egroup},width=fit,before={\bgroup\startframedtext[background=screen,frame=off,width=broad]},after={\stopframedtext\egroup}] %% Lema \defineenumeration [lema] [text={Lema}, % Què es mostra before={\blank[big]}, % abans de lema, un bigskip after={\blank[big]}, % després de lema, un bigskip headstyle=bold, % Negreta per la capçaleras %between=\blank, % Entre Lemmes una línia en blanc titledistance=.5em, % espai entre número i parèntesis. textdistance=.5em, % espai entre ) i text stopper={.\space}, % Com acaba. Després de parèntesis un '.' location=serried, width=fit, % que ocupi tot l'espai style=italic, % estil del text title=yes, % si puc posar o no arguments opcionals titlestyle=bf, % estil del títol way=bytext, % enumerar en tot el document conversion=numbers,indenting=yes] % enumera amb arabic %% Proposició, corol·laris, teoremes. %% Comparteix els nombres amb lema %% Si volem que vagin a part, hem de posar 'number=proposition' \defineenumeration [proposition] [lema] [text={Proposició}] \defineenumeration [corollary] [lema] [text={Corol·lari}] \defineenumeration [theorem] [lema] [text={Teorema}] %% Definició \defineenumeration [definition] [lema] [text={Definició},style=tf,titlestyle=bf,indenting=yes] \defineenumeration [notation] [definition] [text={Notació},style=tf,titlestyle=bf,indenting=yes] \defineenumeration [note] [definition] [text={Nota},style=tf,titlestyle=bf,indenting=yes] %% Demostració \defineenumeration[demo][text={Demostració.\space},number=no,location=serried,width=fit,headstyle=italic,indentnext=yes,between=\blank,textdistance=.5em,closesymbol={\mathematics{\Box}},style=normal,indenting=yes] % Table of contents %% dots between... and subsubsubsection are not listed \setupcombinedlist[content][level=4,alternative=c] %% section = bold. % width= 10mm --> less space between num-letter %% line break after section. \setuplist[section][style=bold,width=10mm] \setuplist[section][before=\blank] %% margin = 10 mm. Put the subsection just bottom section. \setuplist[subsection][margin=10mm,width=10mm] \setuplist[subsubsection][margin=20mm,width=10mm] %\setuplist[subsection] %[distance=1em] % section = bold. % % Això ho trec d'un manual: %\setuplist[subsection] % [margin=1em, % numbercommand=\NumCom] %\def\NumCom#1{\hbox to 2em{\hfill #1}} % Set "Índex" like "Índex de continguts" \setupheadtext [ca] [content=Índex] % Definitions/abbreviations \define[1]\dist{d(\sigma_g(#1), \sigma_h(#1))} \define[1]\imp{{\bgroup\startframedtext[background=screen,frame=on,width=broad]#1\stopframedtext\egroup}} %\define[1]\imp{{\bgroup\startframedtext[background=color,backgroundcolor=lightblue,frame=on,width=broad]#1\stopframedtext\egroup}} % SPLIT \def\startsplit {\startalign} % no number by default \def\stopsplit {&\doalignNR[+][]\crcr % for a number on last line \stopalign} % Other \setupunderbar[alternative=b] % Fix underline style % For putting underline with spaces: \underbar{\dorecurse{40}~} % Define new register for the Index of Symbols \defineregister[symbol][symbols] % Start the text \starttext \version[concept] \subsubsubject{El problema de la paraula} \startitemize[1] \item $\pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. \item Per a tota paraula $w = w_1 \ldots w_r$ sobre $X \cup X^{-1}$, \startformula \pi(w) = \pi(w_1) \cdots \pi(w_r) \in G. \stopformula \stopitemize \stoptext \startitemize[1] \item $\pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. \item Per a tota paraula $w = w_1 \ldots w_r$ sobre $X \cup X^{-1}$, \startformula \pi(w) = \pi(w_1) \cdots \pi(w_r) \in G. \stopformula \stopitemize \startdefinition Sigui $X$ un conjunt qualsevol i $R \subseteq F(X) \times F(X)$ una relació binària sobre el grup lliure $F(X)$. Una {\em presentació ${\cal P}$ amb generadors $X$ i relacions $R$}\index{presentació}, que indicarem amb ${\cal P} = \langle X \mid R \rangle$, és el grup quocient $F(X)/\langle \langle R_* \rangle \rangle$, on \startformula R_* = \{uv^{-1} \mid (u, v) \in R\} \subseteq F(X). \stopformula Quan ens convengui diferenciar entre la presentació com a un parell ordenat de símbols i el grup quocient en si, indicarem amb ${\cal P}$ la presentació i $G({\cal P})$ el grup que aquesta representa. \stopdefinition

Ah!, for startitemize[n] it works. En/na Xan ha escrit:
Sorry for perhaps silly question, but I receive and error for this code:
\subsubsubject{El problema de la paraula}
\startitemize[1] \item $\pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. \item Per a tota paraula $w = w_1 \ldots w_r$ sobre $X \cup X^{-1}$, \startformula \pi(w) = \pi(w_1) \cdots \pi(w_r) \in G. \stopformula \stopitemize
that in the first item should be one less $:
subsubsubject : - El problema de la paraula ! Argument of \dodoregister has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doattributes #1#2\@EA \endcsname \fi {#4} \dostopattributes \dolistitem ...evel \c!style \c!color {\listitem } \fi \fi }\ifconditional \f...
\complexdoitemgroupitem ...obreak \fi \dolistitem \relax \ifconditional \pac... <to be read again> $ l.237 \item $ \pi(x^{-1}) = \pi(x)^{-1}$ per a tot $x \in X$. ? x
The whole file is attached.
What's the problem. Sorry I don't see....
participants (1)