Najaarsbijeenkomst NTG, 26-11-2004 in Leuven

Gooed evening list-users! On next friday, 26.11.2004, the NTG (Dutch speaking TeX users group) will gather for a meeting. If you are interested to join us in Leuven be welcome! The programme intended for the meeting looks as follows: "Wat betekend XML voor de TeX-wereld" (What is the significance of XML for the TeX-world) 09:30 Gather and enjoy a cup of coffee 10:00 NTG-members meeting 10:30 Coffee-break 10:45 ... about the next NTG-meetings 11:15 Frans Goddijn: Mijn bronzen TeX jubileum ... twaalf jaar niet (z)weten (My brass TeX jubileum ... twelf years of not having to sweat/know) 12:00 Discussion on the issue of Frans' presentation 12:30 Lunch 13:45 Patrick Gundlach: A Wiki as a user support platform 14:30 Piet v. Oostrum: SVG as (future) graphical format 15:15 Hans Hagen: Kan TeX om XML heen? (Met uitleg en voorbeelden) (Can TeX escape from XML? Explanation and examples) 16:00 Thee 16:15 Questions and answers over TeX and the latest developments 17:00 Closing If you would like to enjoy this day together with us, please send a mail to The description how to find the meeting location can be downloaded from the website of the NTG: The meeting takes place at: Campus Bibliotheek Arenberg (C.B.A.) Willem de Croylaan 6 3001 Heverlee Willi Egger Secretaris NTG
participants (1)
Willi Egger