Define a new type section with metafun

Hi, I wish red separation is exactly in the middle of the dial and the title of the section. Then, the line is too long, it should not exceed the boundary of the ellipse. Best regards, Fabrice % macros=mkvi \setuppapersize[A4][A4] \setupcolors[state=start,cmyk=yes,mpcmyk=yes] \definecolor[mycolor][c=0.45,m=0.00,y=0.1,k=0.00] \definecolor[colortext][c=1,m=0.00,y=0.3,k=0.3] \starttext \startuniqueMPgraphic{funny} path p ; numeric h ; h := OverlayHeight ; p:=unitsquare xscaled \overlaywidth yscaled \overlayheight superellipsed 0.9 ; pickup pencircle scaled \overlaylinewidth ; fill p withcolor \MPcolor{\overlaycolor} ; draw p withcolor \MPcolor{\overlaylinecolor} ; draw (20,0)--(20,h) withcolor red ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic \defineoverlay[funny][\uniqueMPgraphic{funny}] \define[2]\MySectionCommand {\framed [background=funny, frame=off, width=0.5\textwidth, align={right}, framecolor=mycolor, rulethickness=1.5pt, backgroundcolor=white, offset=4pt] {\tfb #1\space\colortext#2}} \setuphead[section][command=\MySectionCommand,ownnumber=yes,numbercolor=colortext] \section{A}{PLAN DE L'ESPACE} \stoptext
participants (1)
Fabrice Couvreur