Newbie question: Linebreak after number in figure caption?

Hello, I would like to have Figure captions that look like this (centered, a newline between the number and the description): Figure 1 The description of the figure For now I put the linebreak manually in each caption text as you can see below. Putting the linebreak inside the style parameter indeed works, but the result is that "Figure 1" is left-aligned, even though the figure description is centered. I'm using a rather old version of ConTeXt and teTeX, but I have reproduced this behavior on the ConTeXt live page. I'm probably missing something really obvious, so can anyone suggest a better way of doing this? Thanks, William %% Doesn't work as expected % \setupcaptions[align=middle,width=\makeupwidth,headstyle=bold,style={\\\bf}] \setupcaptions[align=middle,width=\makeupwidth,headstyle=bold,style=bold] \starttext \reservefigure [height=4cm,width=10cm,frame=on][here][fig:reservation] {\\ An example of a reservation.} % I'm forced to put a linebreak in manually \stoptext Send instant messages to your online friends
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william s