Hi, Am I missing something, or \setupitemize[indentnext=no] not working (anymore?) Greetings, Taco % demo file \setupindenting[big,yes] \setupitemize[indentnext=no] \starttext \startitemize \item one \stopitemize Not indented paragraph (hopefully). Indented paragraph. \stoptext

Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Am I missing something, or \setupitemize[indentnext=no] not working (anymore?)
Greetings, Taco
% demo file \setupindenting[big,yes] \setupitemize[indentnext=no]
\starttext \startitemize \item one \stopitemize Not indented paragraph (hopefully).
Indented paragraph. \stoptext
not 'anymore', more 'not as you expected' -) this feature is not supported at the specific item group level, only for all itemgroups (took me a while to see that one, after entering panic-bug mode); here is a patch that makes it work for individual itemgroups; i'll patch add this feature. \unprotect \def\doinitializeitemgrouplevel#1% {\copyparameters [\??op\currentitemgroup#1][\??oo] [\c!width,\c!factor,\c!distance,\c!align,\c!option, \c!style,\c!marstyle,\c!symstyle,\c!headstyle, \c!color,\c!marcolor,\c!symcolor,\c!headcolor, \c!beforehead,\c!afterhead,\c!before,\c!inbetween,\c!after, \c!stopper,\c!placestopper,\c!indenting, % indentnext added \c!n,\c!inner,\c!symbol,\c!margin,\c!items, \c!leftmargin,\c!rightmargin,\c!indentnext, \c!start,\c!lefttext,\c!righttext]} \def\stopitemgroup {\iftextitems \removeunwantedspaces\space\ignorespaces \else \par \fi \ifnum\itemcolumndepth=\zerocount \dolistreference \fi % beware ! \iffirstlist \else \endgroup \fi % toegevoegd, eerste \som opent groep \ifnum\itemcolumndepth=\itemlevel\relax \stopcolumns \doglobal\newcounter\itemcolumndepth \getitemparameter\itemlevel\c!after \else \ifnum\itemlevel=\plusone \doitembreak\allowbreak \getitemparameter1\c!after %\dochecknextindentation\??oo % old call \dochecknextindentation{\??op\currentitemgroup\itemlevel}% new call \else % nieuw, not yet nobreak handling \ifcase\autoitemgroupspacing \getitemparameter\itemlevel\c!after \or \getitemparameter\itemlevel\c!after \fi \fi \fi \endgroup \doglobal\decrement(\itemlevel,\itemincrement)% \egroup \iftextitems\else\par\fi} \setupindenting[medium,yes] \setupitemize[indentnext=no] \starttext \input tufte \par \startitemize \item \input tufte \par \input tufte \stopitemize \input tufte \par \input tufte \stoptext

Hans Hagen wrote:
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
Am I missing something, or \setupitemize[indentnext=no] not working (anymore?)
not 'anymore', more 'not as you expected' -)
this feature is not supported at the specific item group level, only for all itemgroups (took me a while to see that one, after entering panic-bug mode);
Sorry I scared you. :-) Thanks for the patch Taco

Monday, November 14, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
not 'anymore', more 'not as you expected' -)
this feature is not supported at the specific item group level, only for all itemgroups (took me a while to see that one, after entering panic-bug mode);
BTW, could you please consider adding the indentnext=auto option to all places that support indentnext? This is a very simple patch I already offered in the list, see for example http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01739.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01744.html Of course it needs to be updated to new code. It's an important for those of us that (like me) have displayed material that terminates the paragraph, and displayed material that doesn't (displayed material = itemgroups, formulas, quotations etc). In this case, the blank lines/\pars after the displayed material are significant, since they tell if the subsequent text is still part of the previous paragraph or not. Can you please consider it for inclusion in the main tree? -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
BTW, could you please consider adding the indentnext=auto option to all places that support indentnext? This is a very simple patch I already offered in the list, see for example http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01739.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01744.html
interesting link ... watch the latex advertisements on the right -) Hans

Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
BTW, could you please consider adding the indentnext=auto option to all places that support indentnext? This is a very simple patch I already offered in the list, see for example http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01739.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01744.html
interesting link ... watch the latex advertisements on the right -)
LOL. I only got generic TeX ads :) -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 Hans Hagen wrote:
Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
BTW, could you please consider adding the indentnext=auto option to all places that support indentnext? This is a very simple patch I already offered in the list, see for example http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01739.html http://www.mail-archive.com/ntg-context@ref.ntg.nl/msg01744.html
interesting link ... watch the latex advertisements on the right -)
LOL. I only got generic TeX ads :)
hey, so italy is treated differently; here i get: Professional Math Editor produces TeX, MathML, EPS, and more! *Latex Glove Manufacturer* http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=Bi4TDB9p5Q9WPOLK6wQGS0u2YCe227g6L5oLAAcCNtwGQsAoQAhgCIKfv9AEoBUDgE0ifOVCd6b0RoAHR053-A6oBCjg0Mjc3OTE2MzSyARR3d3cubWFpbC1hcmNoaXZlLmNvbboBCjE2MHg2MDBfYXPIAQHaAUBodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm1haWwtYXJjaGl2ZS5jb20vbnRnLWNvbnRleHRAcmVmLm50Zy5ubC9tc2cwMTc0NC5odG1slQIKMMRM&num=2&adurl=http://latex-glove.directory.alibaba.com/src%3Dgoogle%26albch%3Dgoogle%26albcp%3DContent_Country2%26albkw%3Dlatex-glove-None%26albag%3DProduct_Country2_Latex-Glove_None%26albmt%3DPhrase%26albst%3DContent&client=ca-pub-7266757337600734 Thousands of Prequalified Suppliers Trade Leads, Products & Companies. *Buy Latex Gloves* http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BfXpdB9p5Q9WPOLK6wQGS0u2YCeSF8wbWu6CeAcCNtwHg1AMQAxgDIKfv9AEoBUDgE0ihOVDT4KGO_f____8BqgEKODQyNzc5MTYzNLIBFHd3dy5tYWlsLWFyY2hpdmUuY29tugEKMTYweDYwMF9hc8gBAdoBQGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWFpbC1hcmNoaXZlLmNvbS9udGctY29udGV4dEByZWYubnRnLm5sL21zZzAxNzQ0Lmh0bWyVAgowsjI&num=3&adurl=http://www.healthquestlinks.com/latex-gloves.htm&client=ca-pub-7266757337600734 Find quality latex gloves. Discounts. Custom Resources. *Latex Free Gloves* http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BAJKSB9p5Q9WPOLK6wQGS0u2YCYOhoQfPjYOpAcCNtwHQhgMQBBgEIKfv9AEoBUDgE0iPOVDk3PlhqgEKODQyNzc5MTYzNLIBFHd3dy5tYWlsLWFyY2hpdmUuY29tugEKMTYweDYwMF9hc8gBAdoBQGh0dHA6Ly93d3cubWFpbC1hcmNoaXZlLmNvbS9udGctY29udGV4dEByZWYubnRnLm5sL21zZzAxNzQ0Lmh0bWyVAgowayk&num=4&adurl=http://www.superglove.co.uk/google/&client=ca-pub-7266757337600734 SuperGlove offer a wide selection of Latex Free gloves *Protective Gloves* http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=BLUSGB9p5Q9WPOLK6wQGS0u2YCbXn_gr5vIjMAcCNtwGgjQYQBRgFIKfv9AEoBUDgE0ifOVCVs_HDBaABvdaW_wOqAQo4NDI3NzkxNjM0sgEUd3d3Lm1haWwtYXJjaGl2ZS5jb226AQoxNjB4NjAwX2FzyAEB2gFAaHR0cDovL3d3dy5tYWlsLWFyY2hpdmUuY29tL250Zy1jb250ZXh0QHJlZi5udGcubmwvbXNnMDE3NDQuaHRtbJUCCjDETA&num=5&adurl=http://www.altecweb.com/home.asp%3Frf%3Dgglr%26thesearch%3Dprotective%2Bglove%26kw%3D%2522latex%2Bgloves%2522&client=ca-pub-7266757337600734 In Stock, Easy Order, No Minimum Free Next Day Delivery within UK so something must be triggering latex there and it also seems that in order to handle latex, one needs special gloves -) maybe there's a market for 'context free gloves' as well apart from the adds, it's a clean site -) (i slowly start getting sick of google adds; its time for a new search engine) Hans
participants (3)
Giuseppe Bilotta
Hans Hagen
Taco Hoekwater