Placeformula environment

Hi Hans, At this moment I am dealing with some chemical formulae. I ought to place them always in such a way that the may use the width of the textarea independent of the fact that the \placeformula may occur within an itemisation. - How to do this? Some of the formulae are broader than the paper-width. So I tried to place the formulae in buffers, which are put into place with \placefigure[left][fig:DEZ1]{none}{\externalfigure[DEZ1][type=buffer,width=\ textwidth]}. There arise two questions: 1. It looks like that the sizing mechanism does not quite what I expect, because the formulae still stick out into the margin? 2. Independently from the way the \placefigure mechanisme is used, there is a problem with the following paragraph? Could you please have a look into this matter. See attached file Groet Willi
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