Hi! I wonder if/how it's possible to specify multiple image conversions. Example: \startluacode local format = string.format local function degradejpg(oldname, newname) local s = format("gm convert -strip -quality 75%% -resize '300x300>' %s %s", oldname, newname) os.execute(s) end local function degradepng(oldname, newname) local s = format("gm convert -strip -resize '500x500>' %s %s", oldname, newname) os.execute(s) end figures.converters.jpg["degrade.jpg"] = degradejpg figures.converters.png["degrade.png"] = degradepng \stopluacode \setupexternalfigures [location=default, %% conversion=degrade.png, %% how to use both? conversion=degrade.jpg] \starttext \externalfigure [hacker] \externalfigure [mill] \stoptext I'd like to avoid specifying the filetype-specific conversion with each \externalfigure command: %% this works, but it clutters the document and one has to check the %% file type each time \externalfigure [mill] [conversion=degrade.png] Marco
participants (1)
Marco Patzer