math: \usemathcollection and \enablemathcollection

I'm quite lost with \usemathcollection and \enablemathcollection -- I checked the manual, the wiki, and the source browser, but without success for my problems. I just don't get how math font switching works for e.g. Lucida fonts, and why it does not for my fonts in my setup. So: What is the correct use of \usemathcollection and \enablemathcollection i.e. where should these appear (and where not)? Do I need \enablemathcollection at all? In my current setup (see below), I have two problems: ---- Major problem: I would like to switch my math fonts globally. Currently I have to apply \enablemathcollection e.g. after every \startcolumns (and after other environments as well), otherwise my math fonts are used, but not in the desired encoding, which results in wrong symbols shown. ---- Minor problem: I would like make sure that all math symbols do come from my math fonts and aren't taken from CM or other fonts. Is this possible? E.g. could I get an error message (or some special black box or the like in my pdf file) for each math control sequence which is not (yet) defined in my current mathcollection? My current setup: -- an environment file "env-signa.tex" with (among many other definitions) \usetypescriptfile[type-opticals] \usetypescriptfile[type-minionpro] \usetypescriptfile[type-tymnmath] \usetypescript[MinionPro][ec] \setupbodyfont[MinionPro] \switchtobodyfont[MinionPro,9.6pt] -- a "type-minionpro.tex" file with \starttypescript [serif] [MinionProSizes] [ec] % (followed by many \definefontsynonym) \stoptypescript \starttypescript[MinionPro][ec] \usetypescript[serif][Opticals][size] \usetypescript[serif][MinionProSizes][ec] \usetypescript[newmath][MinionMath] %[size] \definebodyfontenvironment [9.6pt] [\s!text=9.6pt,\s!script=6.8pt,\s!scriptscript=4.9pt, \c!x=8.4pt,\c!xx=5.8pt,\c!big=11pt,\c!small=7.6pt] % further \definebodyfontenvironment entries \enablemathcollection[newmath] \usemathcollection[newmath] \quittypescriptscanning \stoptypescript -- a "math-newmath.tex" file with math font synonyms, definitions and some blocks like \startmathcollection[newmath] % (many \definemathsymbol entries) \stopmathcollection This is a general file for math fonts following "TeX NewMath" encodings (this should develop in a real ConTeXt module for general use) -- a "type-tymnmath.tex" file, setting up my math fonts, with \starttypescript[newmath][MinionMath] % (with % \definefontsynonym % and % \definebodyfont [9.6pt] [mm] % [ ... ] % entries) \stoptypescript -- and of courese a main file with \startproject project_signa \environment env_signa and components (chapter files) with \startcomponent kap_01 \project project_signa Thanks for any help! Johannes -- Johannes Kuester typoma
participants (1)
Johannes Kuester