What happened to OverlayLineWidth since august 2006? I had taken the following background taken from the Green presentation style (s-pre-02), working satisfactorily without need to define the OverlayLineWidth parameter: \startuniqueMPgraphic{PageBackground} fill unitsquare xyscaled(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) withcolor OverlayColor ; draw unitsquare xyscaled(OverlayWidth,OverlayHeight) enlarged (-2*OverlayLineWidth) withpen pencircle scaled OverlayLineWidth withcolor OverlayLineColor ; \stopuniqueMPgraphic Now suddenly the OverlayLineWidth seems to have turned into zero and the frames do not come out as previously. What happened? Did I miss some change or need to explict initialization? Where? Hans van der Meer
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Hans van der Meer