currentheadnumber / doif.. problem

Hi, I tried to get the full present heading-number. If I am using currentnumber the result is only the last part of the heading-number. So I tried do implement a function like this: \def\presentheadnumber% {\doifelse{\headnumber[section]}{}% {\headnumber[chapter]}% {\headnumber[section]}% } but always the else-part is executed. I also tried to use doifemptyelse, doifnumber etc.. but as soon i am using headnumber[...] only the else-part will be executed. Can anyone help me with this problem? Or am I going a complete wrong way? Thanks

On Mon, 10 Sep 2007, Peter Schorsch wrote:
I tried to get the full present heading-number. If I am using currentnumber the result is only the last part of the heading-number. So I tried do implement a function like this:
\def\presentheadnumber% {\doifelse{\headnumber[section]}{0}% ^^^^^^ {\headnumber[chapter]}% {\headnumber[section]}% }

Aditya wrote:
Can you create a minimum example to play with?
I attached the module t-pararef.tex and the example pararef-test.tex. The ref1 is still wrong. When I replace \currentheadnumber in \paragraphMark with the before defined \presentheadnumber context is saying that a «Missing control sequence inserted» - but I don't see any mistake there (but there must be)... But finally I only want that the ref1 in the example is also working (see at the end of example file). A second questions: why is the paragraph of ref3 in the example indented? Thanks, P.

ok, I found the solution. In the documentation (cont-eni.pdf) at page 172 following is written: For example: \currentheadnumber : 8.3 \headnumber[chapter] : 8 \headnumber[section] : 8.3 but that is partly wrong. There should be standing (change example from 8.3 to 8.3.2): For example: \finalsectionnumber : 8.3.2 \currentheadnumber : 2 \headnumber[chapter] : 8 \headnumber[section] : 8.3 Or are \finalsectionnumber and \currentheadnumber interchanged in the code and the documentation is as it should be? But that is a question I cannot answer. Ciao, P.
participants (2)
Aditya Mahajan
Peter Schorsch