ec:ec->14->2:2 la->ec:ec->15->2:2 pt->texnansi:texnansi->16->2:2
Hello. I downloaded showfont.pdf and I tried the first example: \starttext \definetypeface [zapf] [cg] [calligraphy] [chancery] \switchtotypeface [zapf] [12pt,cg] \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte} \stoptext but I received the error message "metric file not found". This is the log file: ========================================== This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (TeX Live 2010) (format=cont-en 2010.12.28) 31 DEC 2010 18:37 entering extended mode restricted \write18 enabled. %&-line parsing enabled. (/usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf/web2c/natural.tcx) **04-fonts.tex \emergencyend (./04-fonts.tex ConTeXt ver: 2010.07.30 11:35 MKII fmt: 2010.12.28 int: english/english system : cont-new loaded (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/cont-new.tex systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/cont-new.mkii)) system : cont-fil loaded (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/cont-fil.tex loading : ConTeXt File Synonyms ) system : cont-sys.rme loaded (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/user/cont-sys.rme (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/type-def.mkii) (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/type-siz.mkii) (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/type-one.mkii)) system : 04-fonts.top loaded (./04-fonts.top) bodyfont : 12pt rm is loaded language : patterns nl->texnansi:texnansi->1->2:2 nl->ec:ec->2->2:2 us-> ec:ec->3->2:3 de->texnansi:texnansi->4->3:3 de->ec:ec->5->3:3 da->ec:ec->6->2:2 sv->ec:ec->7->2:2 gb->ec:ec->8->2:2 fr->texnansi:texnansi->9->2:2 fr->ec:ec->1 0->2:2 es->ec:ec->11->2:2 ca->ec:ec->12->2:2 it->texnansi:texnansi->13->2:2 it- pt->ec:ec->17 ->2:2 ro->ec:ec->18->2:2 pl->pl0:pl0->19->2:2 pl->ec:ec->20->2:2 pl->qx:qx->21-
2:2 cs->il2:il2->22->2:2 cs->ec:ec->23->2:2 sk->il2:il2->24->2:2 sk->ec:ec->25 ->2:2 hr->ec:ec->26->2:2 sl->ec:ec->27->2:2 tr->ec:ec->28->2:2 tk->ec:ec->29->1 :2 lt->l7x:l7x->30->2:2 agr->agr:agr->32->2:2 fi->ec:ec->33->2:2 hu->ec:ec->34- 2:2 ru->t2a:t2a->36->2:2 uk->t2a:t2a->37->3:3 loaded specials : dvips loaded \openout3 = `04-fonts.tui'.
\openout0 = `04-fonts-mpgraph.mp'. \openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'. systems : system commands are enabled language : language en is active specials : loading definition file tpd (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/spec-tpd.mkii specials : loading definition file fdf (/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local/tex/context/base/spec-fdf.mkii)) publications : file 04-fonts.bbl not found, waiting for bibtex systems : begin file 04-fonts at line 1 ! Font \*zapf12ptcgtfcg*:=TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic at 12.0pt not loadable: Me tric (TFM) file not found. <to be read again> \relax \definefontglobal ...dcsname \lastfontname \relax \expandafter \let \expanda... \xxdododefinefont ...tspec {#4}\newfontidentifier \let \localrelativefontsiz... \fontstrategy ...me \fontclass #2#3#4#5\endcsname \tryingfontfalse \fi <inserted text> ...yle \fontalternative \fontsize \fi \iftryingfont \fontstr... \synchronizefont ...strategy \the \fontstrategies \relax \fi \iftryingfont \... ... l.3 \switchtotypeface [zapf] [12pt,cg] ? X Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 982 strings out of 456094 15626 string characters out of 2517944 4851573 words of memory out of 7259343 41916 multiletter control sequences out of 15000+200000 82418 words of font info for 37 fonts, out of 3000000 for 9000 396 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 38i,1n,61p,227b,542s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,50000s No pages of output. PDF statistics: 0 PDF objects out of 1000 (max. 8388607) 0 named destinations out of 1000 (max. 500000) 1 words of extra memory for PDF output out of 10000 (max. 10000000) ========================================== Is there anyone who can help me? Many thanks. Sam Qasbah

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 19:03, Sam Qasbah
I downloaded showfont.pdf and I tried the first example:
\starttext \definetypeface [zapf] [cg] [calligraphy] [chancery] \switchtotypeface [zapf] [12pt,cg] \dorecurse{10}{\input tufte} \stoptext
but I received the error message "metric file not found".
This is the log file: ==========================================
! Font \*zapf12ptcgtfcg*:=TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic at 12.0pt not loadable: ... l.3 \switchtotypeface [zapf] [12pt,cg]
In order for this to work, the following four lines are missing in type-one.mkii: \starttypescript [calligraphy] [chorus,chancery] [ec,texnansi,cs,qx,rm,t5,t2a,t2b,t2c,l7x] \definefontsynonym [TeXGyreChorus-MediumItalic] [\typescriptthree-qzcmi] [encoding=\typescriptthree] \loadmapfile[qzc-\typescriptthree.map] \stoptypescript Mojca
participants (2)
Mojca Miklavec
Sam Qasbah