Hello, I see t-lilipond being sent to members. How can I get working module? (and some usage guides, if any) -- Best regards, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky

I see t-lilipond being sent to members. How can I get working module? (and some usage guides, if any)
On the wiki: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/LilyPond If you're using Mark II, don't take the file Mojca sent for the moment but the original module by Hraban, available on the garden as well (http://modules.contextgarden.net/t-lilypond). Arthur

Thank you, Arthur. But I do use MarkIV. I cannot take Mojca file because don't know where. :) -- Best regards, Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky

On 8/26/07, Arthur Reutenauer wrote:
But I do use MarkIV. I cannot take Mojca file because don't know where. :)
On http://wiki.contextgarden.net/LilyPond you can find some information. You need to place t-lilypond.tex to a curent folder or to [place where your tex installation resides]/tex/context/third/ and run mktexlsr (and/or luatools --generate, I'm not sure). Only add an additional line after this one: \def\PDF{texmfstart --ifchanged=\lily!filename.eps pstopdf \lily!filename.eps} \ifx\savebuffer\undefined \else \savebuffer[lilypond-\the\lily!figures]\fi Actually Hraban is in charge for doing uploading a new version to the garden
It's t-lilypond.tex you mentioned. Sent by Mojca to the list at 10:35:17 CET today, and it works fine with Mark IV (thanks, Mojca :-).
You should express your thanks to Hans, not to me, because he wrote the patch, I only applied it at the right place. (I didn't test yet, but I would bet that at least R, VIM and some other modules fail in the same way as well.) I now tried to generate a new documentation with "--module", but interestingly LuaTeX fails at ! Undefined control sequence. \beginofpretty [#1]->\startcolormode {\prettypalet :#1} l.3 \bop[prettytwo] \char92 unprotect\eop \nododowithbuffer ...ua {buffers.type("_typing_")} \endofverbatimlines \getva... l.73 \stopdefinition ? and pdfTeX fails at systems : begin file texexec at line 4 (./t-lilypond.ted system : module lilypond loaded (./t-lilypond.tex) (./texexec-sample.tmp ! Undefined control sequence. \dosavebuffer [#1]->\ctxlua {buffers.save("#1")} \dodostartlilypond ...ilypond-\the \lily!figures ] \fi \ifeof 18 \installprog... l.12 \stoplilypond ? Don't ask me why it works when used as a module, but fails when module documentation has to be typeset. Mojca

Don't ask me why it works when used as a module, but fails when module documentation has to be typeset.
Actually the second problem happens when one uses your file with Mark II as well: ConTeXt tries to expand \savebuffer and finds a \ctxlua which it doesn't know, since it is running pdfTeX. You should really check for \ctxlua instead of \savebuffer in the line you added (\ifx\ctxlua\undefined ...); \savebuffer is defined anyway (in core-buf.tex) but when running Mark II it expands to something pdfTeX doesn't understand. Arthur

Am 2007-08-26 um 23:16 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
Actually Hraban is in charge for doing uploading a new version to the garden
I know and I will. But I've too much work at the moment to - install MkIV (and make sure it really works) - try to understand what MkIV does different - combine the features from your MkIV und my latest non-working MkII version of t-lilypond - update the docs etc. Looking at my calendar it may become October. But sometimes I gain huge productivity from stress... ;-) Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)

Am 2007-08-27 um 22:20 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm:
Actually Hraban is in charge for doing uploading a new version to the garden
I know and I will. But I've too much work at the moment to - install MkIV (and make sure it really works) - try to understand what MkIV does different - combine the features from your MkIV und my latest non-working MkII version of t-lilypond - update the docs etc.
Ok, I just uploaded a new version of t-lilypond and updated the wiki page. The module works for me with ConTeXt 2007-08-29 (on MacTeX) and LilyPond 2.10.29. I couldn't check with LuaTeX, it doesn't run for me. The snippet mode still doesn't work - I never needed it. The documentation PDF is still the old one - I couldn't typeset a decent new one: texexec --modules t-lilypond --mode=demo should work, shouldn't it? But the PDF lacks the title page, instead there's a bold "\stopdocumentation", and the demo is also ignored. Could someone please check what's wrong? (in the module or with texexec or in the module documentation module?) Greetlings from Lake Constance! Hraban --- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/ http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.cacert.org (I'm an assurer)
participants (4)
Arthur Reutenauer
Henning Hraban Ramm
Mojca Miklavec
Vyatcheslav Yatskovsky