Jens-Uwe Morawski
On Fri, 19 Sep 2003 18:52:03 +0200 Hans Hagen
wrote: At 14:28 19/09/2003 +0200, Steffen Wolfrum wrote:
Is there a way to have something like \indenting[hang] ?
With the first line not indented, but the second and following lines?
First I thought this is what is ment by \indenting[next], but \indenting[next] seems to be exactly the same as \indenting[first], is this right?
kind of tricky, since settings to hangindent and alike are forgotten when the setup is followed by an empty line;
there is \starthanging ... \stophanging now
but ... if we can assume that users start tagging their paragraphs with \bpar .. \epar i can imagine that we provide something \indenting [hang], so the question is: are you willing to tag
imo, the question is: what has hanging to do with indenting? Aren't these things completely different matters? If yes, please don't spoil \indenting with that.
\setuphanging already exists...
Hi Hans, hi Jens! There is always another surprise in ConTexT. I mean: How should I know? My sources are Hans's manuals + the list-archiv. Neither in the manuals nor in the archive \setuphanging or \starthanging is mentioned... So I am sorry for asking for things that maybe already exist! But now I have to ask: how do I use \setuphanging or \starthanging actually? Is there some kind of documentation or at least a minimal example somewhere? Thanks for the lessons. Steffen
participants (1)
Steffen Wolfrum