Hi to all! I am new to ConTeXt and list and i want to stay for log! I have been rading lang-ita.tex and I see some error. I have post in comp.text.tex and Giuseppe Bilotta has sugest to send a patch to this list. I don't know how can i send the patch (a diff output is enough). What is an intermezzo for? I don't know if the traslation is ok. I'm also interested in adding basque language. Basque is not a romance language, but the typesetting is very similar to spanish. Some differences: 1) Instead of Chpater 1 -- in basque ---> 1 Kapitulua (Chapter) 2) When hypenating a compound word in the hypen, in the next line a hypen is also necesary anai-arrebak is hypendated anai- -arrebak 2) What files have i to change to add support for basque? Thanks in advance Zunbeltz

Hi Zunbeltz, On Fri, Dec 05, 2003 at 08:56:09AM +0100, Zunbeltz Izaola wrote:
I have been rading lang-ita.tex and I see some error. I have post in comp.text.tex and Giuseppe Bilotta has sugest to send a patch to this list. I don't know how can i send the patch (a diff output is enough). For patches that are not too huge (they won't be probably ;) send them simply to this list or directly to Hans Hagen.
I'm also interested in adding basque language. Basque is not a romance language, but the typesetting is very similar to spanish. Some differences: 1) Instead of Chpater 1 -- in basque ---> 1 Kapitulua (Chapter) Well, you need to create/copy+modify the \installlanguage, \setupheadtext and \setuplabeltext lines in lang-*.tex. The ISO 639-2 language code is 'eu'. If we follow the current syntax by grouping by language family, you should probably create lang-baq.tex (or lang-bas.tex, lang-eus.tex).
2) When hypenating a compound word in the hypen, in the next line a hypen is also necesary anai-arrebak is hypendated I don't know whether this can be done automatically, but you can use anai|_|arrebak to create the desired effect (see supp-lan.tex).

2) When hypenating a compound word in the hypen, in the next line a hypen is also necesary anai-arrebak is hypendated I don't know whether this can be done automatically, but you can use anai|_|arrebak to create the desired effect (see supp-lan.tex).
I solve this problem in basque for babel with the following definition of "- declare@shorthand{basque}{"-}{\nobreak\discretionary{-}{-}{-}\bbl@allowhyphens} The trick is done by \discretionary (TeX internal). The three arguments are pre, post, nohypen text. When there is a hypenation in this point in the firs line is put pre, and post in the next line. If there is no hypenation nohypen text is put. Zunbeltz
participants (2)
Tobias Burnus
Zunbeltz Izaola