Hi. Please, could you check mtx-update.lua, line 376. I'm found it suspicious that the line command = string.format("%s -tgo --chmod=a+x %s/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/%s.lua %s/texmf-%s/bin/%s", bin, texroot, script, texroot, platform, script) don't contain contextgarden source ('url' variable, 'bin' contains 'rsync' program). mtx-update.lua time stamp: 2010-05-19 --- WBR, Vladimir Lomov

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 16:28, Vladimir Lomov
Please, could you check mtx-update.lua, line 376. I'm found it suspicious that the line command = string.format("%s -tgo --chmod=a+x %s/texmf-context/scripts/context/lua/%s.lua %s/texmf-%s/bin/%s", bin, texroot, script, texroot, platform, script) don't contain contextgarden source ('url' variable, 'bin' contains 'rsync' program).
These two lines are there just to make sure that the proper version of luatools and mtxrun are copied to bin. The files come from existing texmf-context and are copied to texmf-platform/bin/luatools (or mtxrun). Mojca
participants (2)
Mojca Miklavec
Vladimir Lomov