Re: [NTG-context] Presentation

7 Aug
7 Aug
4:02 p.m.
hello Taco, thanks. Now i can use reich example also in future. cheers upendran piskala upendran wrote:
hello valle,
I did test your example. It complained as you said. however, it works ok under miktex + winedt with the following changes.
a. remove the small square in front of the \usemodule[pre-08]. b. \input reich changed to knuth because \citaat of reich is not decoded. I do not know the reason. Any contexpert can only tell.otherwise it compiled smoothly. you can try.
The file was never converted from dutch to english. \citaat should be \quotation Taco __________________________________ Yahoo! Mail Stay connected, organized, and protected. Take the tour:
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piskala upendran