Hi again. I use columnsets and wanted to setup my section titles to have one blank line before and none after them. If I use before={\blank[line]}, I sometimes don’t get that blank line. If I use \blank in my section command, I get it always, but also if the section starts on top of a column. How can I reliably get one blank line before a section title, but not on the top of a column? That’s the original problem. The MWE also shows: – There’s irregular space at the top of columns, esp. on the first page. – Sometimes the multi-line section title is moved into the previous paragraph. These issues get fixed with grid=yes. The original problem is also fixed in the MWE if I enable grid mode, there are just sometimes two blank lines instead of one. In my actual project I get one or zero lines. Couldn’t reproduce that in a MWE. \usemodule[visual] \setuppapersize[A5] \showframe[text] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] %\setuplayout[grid=yes] %\showgrid \define[2]\MySection{\vbox{% \definecolor[fakerulecolor][blue] %\blank[line,max]% {\strut #2}\par }} \setuphead[section][ command=\MySection, before={\blank[line]}, %before=, after=, style=\tf, ] \definecolumnset[Two][n=2] \starttext % \startcolumnset[Two] \dorecurse{10}{ \section{\fakewords{3}{15}} \fakewords{10}{50}\par \fakewords{10}{50}\par \fakewords{10}{50}\par } \stopcolumnset \stoptext

Am 2020-01-19 um 23:38 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
: – Sometimes the multi-line section title is moved into the previous paragraph. These issues get fixed with grid=yes.
BTW: If you use grid=strut, the section title is always moved up into the previous paragraph, i.e. it’s always handled like one line. HR

Hi again, I had the problem that my chapters always started on a left page, even if I just had page=yes. I found out I had to set page=no in my columnset as well as in \setuphead[chapter]. Seems like either the columnset or the columnsetspan always starts a new page. While testing I didn’t get a new page reliably, but I can’t reproduce it anymore. So, this works so far. I’m starting a new columnset for every chapter because I have chapters with 1-3 columns, the example is a simplification. HR \usemodule[visual] \setuppapersize[A5] \showframe[text] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \showgrid \setuphead[chapter][ page=no, beforesection={\startcolumnset[Two]}, aftersection={\stopcolumnset}, before={\startcolumnsetspan[TwoSpan]}, after={\stopcolumnsetspan}, ] \definecolumnset[Two][ n=2, page=no, ] \definecolumnsetspan[TwoSpan][n=2] \starttext \dorecurse{3}{ \startchapter{\fakewords{2}{5}} \dorecurse{3}{ \section{\fakewords{3}{10}} \fakewords{10}{50}\par \fakewords{10}{50}\par } \stopchapter } \stoptext

Another set of columnset issues: columnset areas (1) In the columnsets manual, there’s a type key or a second optional parameter to \definecolumnsetarea that’s actually missing (commented code in page-cst.mkiv). The manual doesn’t explain the setup keys; I assume x/nx is in columns, y/ny is in lines, while x/y is the start and nx/ny the size. (2) Since float placement doesn’t work like I need it (must make another MWE to better nail it), I thought I’d try columnset areas for the placement of ads: \usemodule[visual] \useMPlibrary[dum] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \showframe[text] \showgrid \definecolumnset[Two][ n=2, page=no, ] \definecolumnsetarea[AdSpace][ x=1,y=20, nx=1,ny=20, state=stop ] \starttext \startcolumnset[Two] \fakewords{20}{30} \setupcolumnsetareatext[AdSpace]{\externalfigure[MyAd][width=\textwidth,height=0.45\textheight]} \setupcolumnsetarea[AdSpace][state=start] \fakewords{200}{200} \stopcolumnset \stoptext The "AdSpace" should cover the lower left quarter of the page, y=20 should start it in line 20, and ny=20 should make it 20 lines high, right? But "MyAd" appears always at the place where I put \setupcolumnsetareatext. Is this an error on my side, or is the code just incomplete/buggy/not ready? Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD

Am 2020-01-26 um 13:07 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
: I thought I’d try columnset areas for the placement of ads:
This MWE shows better what’s going on: The "area" space is reserved as requested, but its contents get placed elsewhere. \usemodule[visual] \useMPlibrary[dum] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \showframe[text] \showgrid \definecolumnset[Two][ n=2, page=no, ] %\definecolumnsetspan[TwoSpan][n=2] \definecolumnsetarea[AdSpace][ x=1,y=21, nx=1,ny=21, state=stop, frame=on, framecolor=magenta, ] \starttext \startcolumnset[Two] \dorecurse{10}{\fakewords{100}{120}\par} \setupcolumnsetarea[AdSpace][state=start] \setupcolumnsetareatext[AdSpace]{\externalfigure[MyAd][width=\textwidth,height=0.45\textheight]} \fakewords{200}{200} \stopcolumnset \stoptext HR

Henning Hraban Ramm schrieb am 27.01.2020 um 10:31:
Am 2020-01-26 um 13:07 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
: I thought I’d try columnset areas for the placement of ads: This MWE shows better what’s going on: The "area" space is reserved as requested, but its contents get placed elsewhere.
\usemodule[visual] \useMPlibrary[dum] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \showframe[text] \showgrid
\definecolumnset[Two][ n=2, page=no, ] %\definecolumnsetspan[TwoSpan][n=2] \definecolumnsetarea[AdSpace][ x=1,y=21, nx=1,ny=21, state=stop, frame=on, framecolor=magenta, ]
\starttext \startcolumnset[Two]
\setupcolumnsetarea[AdSpace][state=start] \setupcolumnsetareatext[AdSpace]{\externalfigure[MyAd][width=\textwidth,height=0.45\textheight]}
You need brackets for both argument, i.e. \setupcolumnsetareatext[...][...] but even then your example only works when I place the areatext before \startcolumnset. Wolfgang

Am 2020-01-27 um 20:28 schrieb Wolfgang Schuster
: Henning Hraban Ramm schrieb am 27.01.2020 um 10:31:
Am 2020-01-26 um 13:07 schrieb Henning Hraban Ramm
: I thought I’d try columnset areas for the placement of ads: This MWE shows better what’s going on: The "area" space is reserved as requested, but its contents get placed elsewhere.
\usemodule[visual] \useMPlibrary[dum] \definecolor[fakerulecolor][gray] \setuplayout[ grid=yes, ] \showframe[text] \showgrid
\definecolumnset[Two][ n=2, page=no, ] %\definecolumnsetspan[TwoSpan][n=2] \definecolumnsetarea[AdSpace][ x=1,y=21, nx=1,ny=21, state=stop, frame=on, framecolor=magenta, ]
\starttext \startcolumnset[Two]
\setupcolumnsetarea[AdSpace][state=start] \setupcolumnsetareatext[AdSpace]{\externalfigure[MyAd][width=\textwidth,height=0.45\textheight]}
You need brackets for both argument, i.e. \setupcolumnsetareatext[...][...] but even then your example only works when I place the areatext before \startcolumnset.
Ah, thank you! But even if I put the commands before \startcolumnset, the "AdSpace" appears on the second page. While this was the intention of the example, it seems like I can’t control on which page my ads/images appear. In my actual project, all the defined columnsetareas show up on the second page (where the first columnset starts), even though all have state=stop, and never show up again where I set state=start. I wanted to use it like \define[2]\Anzeige{% \setupcolumnsetareatext[ad#1][{\externalfigure[#2][width=\overlaywidth]}] \setupcolumnsetarea[ad#1][state=start] } I also tried to just reserve the space with columnsetareas and place the ads with \setlayer; that would work if I could control the placement of the areas... Since I must complete this project within this week, I already started from scratch in my layout program (switched from my old InDesign to Affinity Publisher – much cheaper but even less fun). Seems like I overestimated ConTeXt’s (and my) readiness for this kind of layout. A pity. Greetlings, Hraban --- https://www.fiee.net http://wiki.contextgarden.net https://www.dreiviertelhaus.de GPG Key ID 1C9B22FD
participants (2)
Henning Hraban Ramm
Wolfgang Schuster