'german' indention in radio field
Hi there! After a new installation of Texlife my radio field example (4.10.) works (now?). But if you simply add \mainlanguage[de] the first button is indented again. Hmmm...., it seems that my first example was too minimal. I've also tried [en] and [dk]; no problems. I have attached the tex-source and the resulting files (pdf,log). Greetings, Peter % interface=en output=pdftex \enableregime[utf-8] \mainlanguage[de] % !!!! \setupcolors[state=start] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \def\Buttonheight{8mm} \def\Buttonwidth{40mm} \def\ButtonUnselected#1{\framed[frame=off,strut=no,offset=overlay,align={right,lohi}, width=\Buttonwidth,height=\Buttonheight] {\xii#1}} \def\ButtonSelected#1{\framed[strut=no,offset=overlay,width=\Buttonwidth,height=\Buttonheight, align={right,lohi},background=color,backgroundcolor=lightgray,frame=on] {\xii#1}} % graphics for active button (only one) \definesymbol[TbuttonA] [{\ButtonUnselected{\hbox to 2em{~+~}Normal}}] % not selected (mouse pointer is not in area) \definesymbol[TbuttonB] [{\ButtonSelected{\hbox to 2em{~+~}InArea}}] % selected \definesymbol[TbuttonC] [{\ButtonSelected{\hbox to 2em{~+~}LMbutton}}] % + left mouse button % graphics for inactive buttons \definesymbol[TbuttonX] [{\ButtonUnselected{\hbox to 2em{}Normal}}] \definesymbol[TbuttonY] [{\ButtonSelected{\hbox to 2em{}InArea}}] \definesymbol[TbuttonZ] [{\ButtonSelected{\hbox to 2em{}LMbutton}}] % changes to active button, if lmbutton is released in area % setup for single button \setupfield[button] [width=40mm, height=8mm, align=right, distance=0mm, fieldoffset=0bp, offset=none, strut=no, depth=0pt, frame=on, ] % setup for radio field \setupfield[radiofield][vertical] % same for horizontal+\hbox [align=right, distance=0mm, offset=none, strut=no, fieldoffset=0mm, frame=on, empty=yes, option=empty, ] % Radio1 uses setup defined in 'radiofield' \definefield[Radio1][radio][radiofield][Button1,Button2,Button3][Button1] % ButtonN uses setup defined in 'button' \definesubfield[Button1] [button] [{TbuttonA,TbuttonB,TbuttonC},{TbuttonX,TbuttonY,TbuttonZ}] \definesubfield[Button2] [button] [{TbuttonA,TbuttonB,TbuttonC},{TbuttonX,TbuttonY,TbuttonZ}] \definesubfield[Button3] [button] [{TbuttonA,TbuttonB,TbuttonC},{TbuttonX,TbuttonY,TbuttonZ}] \noindent \vbox{\forgetall \field[Button1] \field[Button2] \field[Button3] } \stoptext
Peter Rolf wrote:
Hi there!
After a new installation of Texlife my radio field example (4.10.) works (now?). But if you simply add \mainlanguage[de] the first button is indented again. Hmmm...., it seems that my first example was too minimal. I've also tried [en] and [dk]; no problems.
You need to change this in enco-fde,tex (i.e. remove the comment since it introduces a space) \startencoding[pdfdoc] \startlanguagespecifics[\s!de]% hm, a % is needed \defineactivecharacter " {\"} \stoplanguagespecifics \stopencoding ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Hans Hagen
Peter Rolf