two issues with inmargin attachments

Hi Hans, I have the following sample, using latest beta from 2019.11.14 17:07: \setuppapersize[A5] \showframe \setupinteraction[state=start] \setupinteractionscreen[option=attachment] \starttext a\attachment[file=xml-mkiv.pdf] b\attachment[file=mkiv-publications.pdf] c\attachment[file=onandon.pdf, location=inmargin] d\attachment[file=notnow.pdf, location=inmargin] e\attachment[file=about.pdf, location=text] f\attachment[file=i-context.pdf, location=text] \stoptext The default location seems to be "text", but when specified as option it prevents the attachment. The general configuration for location may be different, but in that case it seems impossible to use "text" for a single attachment. "location=inmargin" seems to place all /FileAttachment annotations on the same place (when from the same line, they have the same /Rect), as shown in the excerpt: 21 0 obj << /Type /Annot /NM (attachment:3) /Subtype /FileAttachment /Rect [ 35.54572 493.13349 41.52002 499.1078 ] >> endobj 22 0 obj << /Type /Annot /NM (attachment:4) /Subtype /FileAttachment /Rect [ 35.54572 493.13349 41.52002 499.1078 ] >> endobj Would it be possible that inmargin attachments allow more than one from the same line? Many thanks for your help, Pablo --
participants (1)
Pablo Rodriguez