Re: [NTG-context] Inclusion of flow chart

Thanks to all. That gives me some leads.
I wanted to try something using your advice but in the mean-time decided to
typeset my document in lucida instead of comp modern. My installation just
won't do it. So I am struggling on this and leave the graphs to later.
"Willi Egger"
At 11:17 07/05/2003 +1100, you wrote:
Hi all,
I have definitely not been flooded by answers. I am getting the impression that this forum might not have been the best one to ask (i.e. I have a practical problem which has little bearing with implementation aspects / bugs / new features of Context).
hm, normally questions get answered (willy often does the flow chart ones, but he may be off for a few days; begin may are also problematic days: many holidays, national thingies and so; personally i'm just back from the polish tex conference)
i forwarded the mail to willy -)
the best hack i can come up with is:
% output=pdftex
\startFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {a} \location {1,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss A} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {b} \location {2,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss B} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {c} \location {3,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss C} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
\startFLOWchart[arrows] \includeFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {1-2} \location {1,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{b} \stopFLOWcell \startFLOWcell \name {2-3} \location {2,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{c} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
when i have time i'll think about some extension
That is what I meant with my other reply. - I feel however that this is not quite what Emmanuel is looking for. I stand corrected, the idea is to have a basket with shapes and another basket with arrows. Pick on the fly the necessary pieces and assemble them in a chart, place the chart in a figure environment and put a numberd legenda underneath of it. -- Hm, I would not know how to achieve this without tweaking the sources... Willi _______________________________________________ ntg-context mailing list ************************************************************************** Have you checked our new corporate website at ? The information contained herein is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). It shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Any unauthorized access, use, reproduction, disclosure or dissemination is prohibited. Neither SGIB nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall assume any legal liability or responsibility for any incorrect, misleading or altered information contained herein. **************************************************************************

Should work out of the box provided you have bought the pfb files.
----- Original Message -----
Thanks to all. That gives me some leads.
I wanted to try something using your advice but in the mean-time decided
typeset my document in lucida instead of comp modern. My installation just won't do it. So I am struggling on this and leave the graphs to later.
"Willi Egger"
> cc: Sent by: Subject: Re: [NTG-context] Inclusion of flow chart ntg-context-admin 07/05/2003 18:42 Please respond to ntg-context
At 11:17 07/05/2003 +1100, you wrote:
Hi all,
I have definitely not been flooded by answers. I am getting the impression that this forum might not have been the best one to ask (i.e. I have a practical problem which has little bearing with implementation aspects / bugs / new features of Context).
hm, normally questions get answered (willy often does the flow chart ones, but he may be off for a few days; begin may are also problematic days: many holidays, national thingies and so; personally i'm just back from the polish tex conference)
i forwarded the mail to willy -)
the best hack i can come up with is:
% output=pdftex
\startFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {a} \location {1,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss A} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {b} \location {2,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss B} \stopFLOWcell
\startFLOWcell \name {c} \location {3,1} \shape {action} \text {\ss C} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
\startFLOWchart[arrows] \includeFLOWchart[boxes] \startFLOWcell \name {1-2} \location {1,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{b} \stopFLOWcell \startFLOWcell \name {2-3} \location {2,1} \shape {none} \connection[rl]{c} \stopFLOWcell \stopFLOWchart
when i have time i'll think about some extension
That is what I meant with my other reply. - I feel however that this is not quite what Emmanuel is looking for. I stand corrected, the idea is to have a basket with shapes and another basket with arrows. Pick on the fly the necessary pieces and assemble them in a chart, place the chart in a figure environment and put a numberd legenda underneath of it. -- Hm, I would not know how to achieve this without tweaking the sources...
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The information contained herein is confidential and is intended solely for the addressee(s). It shall not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any security. Any unauthorized access, use, reproduction, disclosure or dissemination is prohibited. Neither SGIB nor any of its subsidiaries or affiliates shall assume any legal liability or responsibility for any incorrect, misleading or altered information contained herein. **************************************************************************
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Willi Egger