Re: [NTG-context] MetaPost Animations

Dear Troy, The animations are impressive and thank you for sharing the code. In the creation of many pdf for animation, it changes the recurselevel only. I wonder if there is a way to make such kind of animation in ConTeXt using Wolfgang's animation module. Then we can include the animation in PDF output directly. Here is my trial. I modified it as following and got an animation. But it is only good for a few step animation. %%%%%%%%% \startbuffer[base] N:=64;%\N; u:=136; pair f; c:=2/(1+sqrt(5));%\c; if c<1: f:=(1+-+c,0); v:=u/2; else: f:=(0,1+-+(1/c)); v:=u/c/2; fi; % Focus f is defined path p,q; pair z; picture base; numeric L; p:=fullcircle yscaled c; % This is the ellipse L:=length p; draw p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260) dashed evenly; % Draw the ellipse dashed (will be traced later) base:= currentpicture; q:=bbox currentpicture enlarged (v/64); % Enlarge the bounding box slightly q:=(llcorner q+(-v/128,-v/128))--(lrcorner q+(v/128,-v/128))--(urcorner q+(v/128,v/128))--(urcorner q+(-v/128,v/128))--cycle; fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (f*v) withcolor red; % Focus fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (-f*v) withcolor red; % Focus base:=currentpicture; % Save this picture to draw in every frame setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box as described before \stopbuffer \startbuffer[fig1] % \startMPpage n:=1;%\recurselevel%1; draw base; % Draw the common picture saved above draw subpath (0,(n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/130) withcolor blue; % Trace the ellipse in blue z:=point ((n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled v; % The point on the ellipse where we are thusfar fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (2*z) withcolor blue; % Draw the point draw (-f*v)--(2*z)--(f*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260); % Draw the string used to trace the ellipse setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box so that it is the same for each frame % \stopMPpage \stopbuffer \startbuffer[fig2] % \startMPpage n:=2; draw base; % Draw the common picture saved above draw subpath (0,(n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/130) withcolor blue; % Trace the ellipse in blue z:=point ((n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled v; % The point on the ellipse where we are thusfar fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (2*z) withcolor blue; % Draw the point draw (-f*v)--(2*z)--(f*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260); % Draw the string used to trace the ellipse setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box so that it is the same for each frame % \stopMPpage \stopbuffer \startbuffer[fig3] % \startMPpage n:=3; draw base; % Draw the common picture saved above draw subpath (0,(n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/130) withcolor blue; % Trace the ellipse in blue z:=point ((n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled v; % The point on the ellipse where we are thusfar fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (2*z) withcolor blue; % Draw the point draw (-f*v)--(2*z)--(f*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260); % Draw the string used to trace the ellipse setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box so that it is the same for each frame % \stopMPpage \stopbuffer \setupinteraction[state=start] \usemodule[animation] \starttext \startanimation[menu=yes] {\processMPbuffer[base, fig1]} {\processMPbuffer[base, fig2]} {\processMPbuffer[base, fig3]} \stopanimation \stoptext %%%%%%%%%%%%% I also tried to simplify the code as following, but it just draw 10 figures not an animation. Is there a way to combine them as an animation? Thank you. Best regards, Dalyoung %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \startbuffer[base] N:=64;%\N; u:=136; pair f; c:=2/(1+sqrt(5));%\c; if c<1: f:=(1+-+c,0); v:=u/2; else: f:=(0,1+-+(1/c)); v:=u/c/2; fi; % Focus f is defined path p,q; pair z; picture base; numeric L; p:=fullcircle yscaled c; % This is the ellipse L:=length p; draw p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260) dashed evenly; % Draw the ellipse dashed (will be traced later) base:= currentpicture; q:=bbox currentpicture enlarged (v/64); % Enlarge the bounding box slightly q:=(llcorner q+(-v/128,-v/128))--(lrcorner q+(v/128,-v/128))--(urcorner q+(v/128,v/128))--(urcorner q+(-v/128,v/128))--cycle; fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (f*v) withcolor red; % Focus fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (-f*v) withcolor red; % Focus base:=currentpicture; % Save this picture to draw in every frame setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box as described before \stopbuffer \startbuffer[fig1] % \startMPpage n:=\recurselevel; draw base; % Draw the common picture saved above draw subpath (0,(n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled (2*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/130) withcolor blue; % Trace the ellipse in blue z:=point ((n-1)/(N-1)*L) of p scaled v; % The point on the ellipse where we are thusfar fill fullcircle scaled (v/32) shifted (2*z) withcolor blue; % Draw the point draw (-f*v)--(2*z)--(f*v) withpen pencircle scaled (v/260); % Draw the string used to trace the ellipse setbounds currentpicture to q; % Set the bounding box so that it is the same for each frame % \stopMPpage \stopbuffer \setupinteraction[state=start] \usemodule[animation] \starttext \startanimation[menu=yes] \dorecurse{10}{ {\processMPbuffer[base, fig1]}} %{\processMPbuffer[base, fig2]} %{\processMPbuffer[base, fig3]} \stopanimation \stoptext %%%%%%%

Am 30.12.2012 um 14:19 schrieb Jeong Dal
Dear Troy,
The animations are impressive and thank you for sharing the code.
In the creation of many pdf for animation, it changes the recurselevel only. I wonder if there is a way to make such kind of animation in ConTeXt using Wolfgang's animation module. Then we can include the animation in PDF output directly.
Here is my trial.
I modified it as following and got an animation. But it is only good for a few step animation.
I also tried to simplify the code as following, but it just draw 10 figures not an animation. Is there a way to combine them as an animation?
You can use a loop to create the frames, the only thing you have to be aware is how to access the counter loop iteration. In most cases you can get the current iteration of the loop with \recurselevel but this doesn’t work for animation because each frame is saved in a symbol with \definesymbol[<frame>][<code>] without expanding the content. To fix this you can expand the content with \expanded{\frame{… \recurselevel …}} or simpler by using “#1” instead of \recurselevel to access the counter. The braces around each frame as in your example are only one method to set the content for each frame (it emulates the \startoverlay and \startcombination input), when you use a loop you have to use \frame{…} or \startframe … \stopframe to set the content for each frame. Example: \usemodule[animation] \setupinteraction[state=start] \starttext \startanimation[menu=yes,framerate=10] \dorecurse{99} {\startframe \definedfont[Mono sa 4]\twodigits{#1}% \stopframe} \stopanimation \stoptext Wolfgang
participants (2)
Jeong Dal
Wolfgang Schuster