Hi, With latest stable minimals version I don't get correct output of the metapost article (I attach it) But with the texlive package with ubuntu 8.04 (and only with 8.04; with 10.10 I have the same problem), it works. I think it's a bug Thanks, Xan. PS: Please Ccme % Choose a font \setupbodyfont [cmr,11pt] % Be tolerant with paragraph building \setuptolerance [horizontal,verytolerant,stretch] % Choose a language, and associated hyphenation rules. %\language [ca] \mainlanguage[ca] % Page number \setuppagenumbering [location={footer}] % Paper size \setuppapersize [A4] % Margins %\setuplayout [grid=yes, footer=0.5\footerheight, header=0.5\headerheight] %\setuplayout[footer=2cm, header=2cm] %\showlayout %\showframe %\showsetups \setuplayout[topspace=1.5cm,margin=1.5cm,header=1.5cm,footer=1.5cm,width=fit,height=fit,backspace=1.5cm] % Enable colors and activate hyperlinks \setupcolors [state=start] %\definecolor[lightBlue][r=0.5, g=0.5, b=1.0] %\setupinteraction [state=start, color=lightBlue] %\setupurl[style=small, space=yes] \setupurl[space=yes] % Enumerate the URLs %\useURL[wiki][http://wiki.contextgarden.net][][\ConTeXt\ wiki] % Fonts %% Chapters... \setupheads[align=flushleft] \setuphead[chapter][style={\tfd\bf}] \setuphead[section][style={\bfb}, header=nomarking] \setuphead[subsection][style={\bfa}] \setuphead[subsubsection][style={\bfa}] %\setuphead[section][textstyle=bold] % Bibliography options % BIBTEX %\usemodule[bib] %\usemodule[bibltx] %\setupbibtex[database=funcions,sort=author] %\setuppublications [alternative=ams,numbering=yes, sorttype=bbl, criterium=all]% %\setupheadtext[ca][pubs=Referències] %\setuppublicationlist[authoretallimit=3] %\setuppublicationlist[authoretaltext={\it\ et al.}] %\setuppublicationlist[authoretaldisplay=1] %Indentation \setupheads[indentnext=yes] \setupindenting[yes,small,first] % Vertical spaces between paragraphs \setupwhitespace[none] %Itemize \setupitemize[each][identnext=yes,margin=2em] \setupitemize[each][headstyle=bold] % Mathematical packets %\usemodule[newmat] % Modules \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary[mindmap,arrows,calc] %\usetikzlibrary[trees] % AMSTHM \defineenumeration [exercici] [text={Exercici},headstyle=bold,between=\blank,textdistance=1em, stopper={.\space},location=serried,left={\bgroup\bf},right={\egroup},width=fit,headstyle=\ss,title=yes,titlestyle=\ss,titledistance=.5em] % Table of contents %% dots between... and subsubsubsection are not listed \setupcombinedlist[content][level=4,alternative=c] %% section = bold. % width= 10mm --> less space between num-letter %% line break after section. \setuplist[section][style=bold,width=10mm] \setuplist[section][before=\blank] %% margin = 10 mm. Put the subsection just bottom section. \setuplist[subsection][margin=10mm,width=10mm] \setuplist[subsubsection][margin=20mm,width=10mm] % Set "Índex" like "Índex de continguts" \setupheadtext [ca] [content=Índex] % Heads and footers \setupfootertexts[{\tfx \pagenumber/\lastpage}] \setupfooter[text][before=\hrule] \setupheader[text][after=\hrule] \setupheadertexts[{\tfx IES Binissalem. Dpt. Orientació}][{\tfx 3r DIV}] % hyphenating \hyphenation{do-cu-ment} \hyphenation{subs-ti-tueix} \hyphenation{pro-ble-ma} \hyphenation{Ma-the-ma-tics} \hyphenation{Ma-the-ma-ti-cal} \hyphenation{es-crip-tu-ra} \hyphenation{ge-ne-ra-lit-za-ció} \hyphenation{va-ria-bles} % em = bf italic \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic] % underline \setupunderbar[alternative=b] % Virgueries %% Quadres de text %% Per usar-ho: \startframedtext[width=\textwidth,background=QuadreBasic,frame=off] \startuseMPgraphic{QuadreBasic} picture p ; numeric w, h, o ; p := textext.rt(\MPstring{QuadreBasic}) ; w := OverlayWidth ; h := OverlayHeight ; o := BodyFontSize ; p := p shifted (2o,h-ypart center p) ; draw p ; drawoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 2pt withcolor .625red) ; draw (2o,h)--(0,h)--(0,0)--(w,0)--(w,h)--(xpart urcorner p,h) ; draw boundingbox p ; draw (0,0) -- (0,-5pt) ; draw (-5pt,0) -- (0,0); draw (w, h) -- (w, h+5pt); draw (w,h) -- (w+5pt,h); setbounds currentpicture to unitsquare xyscaled(w,h) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[QuadreBasic][\useMPgraphic{QuadreBasic}]

On 16-12-2010 8:46, Xan wrote:
next make a small example \starttext \unexpanded\def\processword#1{\dontleavehmode\framed{#1} } % fails, as recurse is not unexpanded (should it be?) % % \processwords{\phantom{\dorecurse{15}~}} % \processwords{x x} % \processisolatedwords{\phantom{\dorecurse{15}~}}\processword % \processisolatedwords{x x}\processword \stoptext I wonder if that ever worked as \dorecurse is expandable and processwords tests arguments. Anyhow, in the latest mkiv you can use \processisolatedwords to do the same. (In your case there are no words so you could apply your \processword directly.) Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | voip: 087 875 68 74 | www.pragma-ade.com | www.pragma-pod.nl -----------------------------------------------------------------
participants (2)
Hans Hagen